Are you looking to buy La Reina del Sur - Media Tie-In / The Queen of the South (Spanish Edition) (Spanish Edition)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on La Reina del Sur - Media Tie-In / The Queen of the South (Spanish Edition) (Spanish Edition). check out the link below:
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La Reina del Sur - Media Tie-In / The Queen of the South (Spanish Edition) (Spanish Edition) Review
This book can be praised from every possible angle. The Narrative technique is spotless; the definition of the characters, fantastic; at some point the reader is not sure whether this is the description of real historical events, because the care placed into every detail its so well tuned that the concept of "fiction" does not sound appropiate to the work. Additionaly is fascinating to read a Spanish author writing in "mexican". The great use of mexican slang through the novel shows how deeply the author went to make its characters realistic. While you read you can almost hear the accent of Teresa Mendoza.On the external part, this book also shows you how the war on drugs is more like a cruel and sad game if not a joke that is played by victims, criminals and governments without really knowing why.
La Reina del Sur - Media Tie-In / The Queen of the South (Spanish Edition) (Spanish Edition) Overview
Sono el telefono y supo que la iban a matar. Lo supo con tanta certeza que se quedo inmovil, la cuchilla en alto, el cabello pegado a la cara entre el vapor del agua caliente que goteaba en los azulejos. Bip-bip. Se quedo muy quieta, conteniendo el aliento como si la inmovilidad o el silencio pudieran cambiar el curso de lo que ya habia ocurrido. Bip-bip. Estaba en la banera, depilandose la pierna derecha, el agua jabonosa por la cintura, y su piel desnuda se erizo igual que si acabara de reventar el grifo de agua fria. Bip-bip. En el estereo del dormitorio, los Tigres del Norte cantaban historias de Camelia la Tejana. La traicion y el contrabando, decian, son cosas incompartidas.Want to learn more information about La Reina del Sur - Media Tie-In / The Queen of the South (Spanish Edition) (Spanish Edition)?
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