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The Neighborhood Project: Using Evolution to Improve My City, One Block at a Time

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The Neighborhood Project: Using Evolution to Improve My City, One Block at a Time Review

Dr.Wilson has done many things well, but nowhere is this better demonstrated than in "The Neighborhood Project...". Dr. Wilson writes science the way a master novelist writes fiction.. a telling eye for detail and narrative, a wonderful sense of humor , and the ability to bring enormous clarity to complex subjects ..To use his own metaphor, what can seem "a tangled bank" becomes a fascinating journey through moving memoir,fascinating scientific biography,and,most of all,an exploration of the many ways evolutionary theory can both shine a light on nature and be practically applied in our own lives...from creating better parks in our cities..and why that is important.. to creating an economic system( Evonomics) that actually works for all of us....a chapter that should be required reading for economists and politicians..as well as for those of us who wonder "where it all went wrong". Dr. Wilson's enthusiasm for his subject is infectious, his writing is as enthralling as the most skilled of novelists, and the range and skill of his scientific thought,seen through the lens of evolutionary theory, reveals the world in a new way... This book brims with ideas and images that will not only stay with you, but change the way you look at life...

The Neighborhood Project: Using Evolution to Improve My City, One Block at a Time Overview

After decades studying creatures great and small, evolutionary biologist David Sloan Wilson had an epiphany: Darwin's theory won't fully prove itself until it improves the quality of human life in a practical sense. And what better place to begin than his hometown of Binghamton, New York? Making a difference in his own city would provide a model for cities everywhere, which have become the habitat for over half of the people on earth. Inspired to become an agent of change, Wilson descended on Binghamton with a scientist's eye and looked at its toughest questions, such as how to empower neighborhoods and how best to teach our children. He combined the latest research methods from experimental economics with studies of holiday decorations and garage sales. Drawing upon examples from nature as diverse as water striders, wasps, and crows, Wilson's scientific odyssey took him around the world, from a cave in southern Africa that preserved the dawn of human culture to the Vatican in Rome. Along the way, he spoke with dozens of fellow scientists, whose stories he relates along with his own.Wilson's remarkable findings help us to understand how we must become wise managers of evolutionary processes to accomplish positive change at all scales, from effective therapies for individuals, to empowering neighborhoods, to regulating the worldwide economy. With an ambitious scope that spans biology, sociology, religion, and economics, The Neighborhood Project is a memoir, a practical handbook for improving the quality of life, and an exploration of the big questions long pondered by religious sages, philosophers, and storytellers. Approaching the same questions from an evolutionary perspective shows, as never before, how places define us.

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