32% Off Discounts: Best Buy for Moleskine 2012 18 Month Weekly Planner Horizontal Red Hard Cover Pocket Review

Moleskine 2012 18 Month Weekly Planner Horizontal Red Hard Cover Pocket

Are you looking to buy Moleskine 2012 18 Month Weekly Planner Horizontal Red Hard Cover Pocket? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Moleskine 2012 18 Month Weekly Planner Horizontal Red Hard Cover Pocket. check out the link below:

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Moleskine 2012 18 Month Weekly Planner Horizontal Red Hard Cover Pocket Review

I was looking through a selection of books and agendas, and this agenda caught my eye. The other ones had more, let's say, stuff. Useless stuff that makes the space look cluttered, that is - things like little pictures on every page, little sections for goals on every single page, and other miscellaneous junk. That's why this one caught my eye.. it didn't have any of that. It was the most simple and efficient planner I'd ever seen.
I'll go over the features that are included. After the personal information section in the very beginning pages, there's a yearly and weekly overview of July - December 2011 and January - December 2012. Then there's a chart of International Holiday dates (I don't know what purpose this serves, but kind of a neat thing), a yearly overview of 2013, a travel planning/memo section, time zones, area codes for all over the world, measures & conversions, international sizes, and finally, the weekly planner for July, 2011 - December, 2012. Honestly, I can't say much about this section that comprises almost the entire book except that you'll love it. There's plenty of space, and it looks neat and professional, and is a pleasure to use. I love this planner.
In the back, there's a little pocket with a history pamphlet of Moleskine (quite interesting stuff) and a quality assurance number, which you use to contact Moleskine of ANY problems you have with your product. It really is a quality product, it feels and looks like one, and is designed in Italy but handmade in refined China, according to their website.
In conclusion, if you want an amazing planner for 2012, buy the Moleskine 18 month planner! The only bad thing I could say about this is that the hard cover makes it a little difficult to write in, but I'm positive I'll get used to it, and that any planner this size would have the same problem. Hope this helped!

Moleskine 2012 18 Month Weekly Planner Horizontal Red Hard Cover Pocket Overview

The Moleskine 18 Month Weekly Horizontal Notebook Pocket with red hard cover is dated from July 2011 to December 2012. Formatted to show the week s appointments on the left and right side of ruled pages for notes and ideas, this popular planner style is perfect for students and professionals. The expandable inner pocket houses an address book of 28 lined pages with laminated alphabetical labels. You can remove and use it again in the years to come. This Moleskine planner is thread bound and has a hard cover with rounded corners, acid free paper, a bookmark, an elastic closure and an expandable inner pocket that contains the Moleskine history.

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