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Real Food Review
In Woody Allen's 1973 classic comedy Sleeper we see him as Miles Monroe, a nerdy sprout eater, who is transported two hundred years into the future only to find that science has determined that hamburgers, fries and thick milk shakes are now considered "health foods".Fast forward from 1973 to 2006, that's only 33 years, not 200, and we are now learning that hamburgers, fries and thick milk shakes are, indeed, healthy food. The only caveat is that they should be prepared with real ingredients and not "processed" or "industrial" foods as Nina Planck explains in her wonderfully written Real Food, What to Eat and Why published by Bloomsbury Publishing.
In the spirit of those oh, so wonderfully helpful government warnings on everything from wine to ground beef I must add my stern warning to readers who sit down to read this book. Warning! Do Not Attempt to Read This Book If You Are Hungry! Why you ask, is this one of those books where they tell you what goes on in meatpacking plants and the images will make you want to throw up? No, no, not that! It is that she writes so well about food, how it is acquired, prepared, served and tastes so good and, is really, truly, even healthy for you, that you will immediately want to put the book down, run to the kitchen and prepare whatever it is that she was describing. You think I jest? Wait till you get to page 238 where she starts to talk about chocolate. She talks about Cacao nibs. I had never heard of them before. I now have my own private stock.
For me, the best parts are where she provides both the historical and modern nutritional reasons why natural foods, what humans have been eating for many thousands of years, not only taste good but are good for you. She also provides the detailed technical reasons why modern industrial foods are the real culprits and that they are what is really killing modern humans, not the real food we crave.
In addition to a good glossary, bibliography and a further reading and resources list she has a really nice "Where to Find Real Food" section which is how I found the Cacao nibs. You are going to have to read the book to find out where as I'm not telling.
Real Food Overview
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