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Green Smoothie Revolution: The Radical Leap Towards Natural Health

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Green Smoothie Revolution: The Radical Leap Towards Natural Health Review

I loved Michael Pollan's book "In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto" in which he summed up his research into what we should really be eating by saying "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." I then thought, O-K, that's great advice but how do I do that? Salads?
Victoria Boutenko's book answers my question so completely that you would think that she was wondering the same thing. Many of the plants that are the healthiest for you (the dark green types) are difficult to eat raw in any meaningful quantity; kale, mustard greens, spinach, collard greens, etc. This is why so many people either cook them to death or smoother them with high calorie dressings. The Green Smoothie Revolution book showed me how I could add all of things that I believe are healthy for us (leaves, fruit, and berries) to my diet in an easy and fun way.
I was introduced to the Green Smoothie by a friend who had been eating this way for a while. I have to admit that when I made my first one I looked at it and said "Really?" It looked like something that Yoda, the swamp dwelling Jedi master from the Star Wars movies, would eat. Green, thick and kind of bubbling. I pride myself on my cooking abilities, especially in making a dish look appetizing by skillful plating. This did not look good; as a matter of fact my other friends used quite a few "colorful" expressions to describe my concoctions, none of which are appropriate here. The taste however is an entirely different matter. The simple blend of bananas, strawberries and kale was sweet, earthy and fresh. I was hooked!
In addition to the wonderful recipes for green smoothies (with alluring names such as "Hawaiian Hibiscus", "The Laughing Gorilla" and "Green Monkey Face") the book also offers moving testimonials and, most importantly, sage advice from Mrs. Boutenko. I have grown to really enjoy mustard greens as a part of my smoothie meals but she gives a great reason to "rotate" your choice of greens. It seems many plants have ingredients in them (including alkaloids) that could become slightly toxic if eaten in large quantities in order to encourage animals to vary their diet so that the plant would not be eaten to extinction. By regularly changing my choice of greens I can avoid this problem as each plant has a different chemical make-up. Another thing that surprised me is that pets enjoy this type of food as much as people do.
I will have to admit that I am not planning to eat 100% raw foods. I believe that humans are omnivores and that a varied diet is a good thing. However, I feel much better now that I have made my daily Green Smoothie my major meal of the day. I still enjoy my cheeses, breads, butter (I LOVE good, cultured Vermont butter) and meat, but I am eating much less of each of them. Thanks to a great friend and this book I have finally learned a practical way to "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto

Green Smoothie Revolution: The Radical Leap Towards Natural Health Overview

Thanks to processed and fast foods, being overworked, and feeling stressed while eating on the fly, it is increasingly difficult for most of us to eat anywhere near a balanced diet. We may not be obviously sick, but may suffer from lack of focus, insomnia, sluggishness, or any host of symptoms caused by nutritional deficiency. Green Smoothie Revolution takes aim at this silent epidemic by restoring balance to our diets. Combining nutrition and know-how with recipes that pack a powerhouse punch, Victoria Boutenko reintroduces long neglected fruits, vegetables, and greens in the most persuasive style for our busy lives: with fast prep and delicious results. Featuring 200 recipes, Green Smoothie Revolution offers both simplicity (4 ripe pears, 1 bunch parsley, 2 cups water; blend well) and enough variety to keep taste buds happy and nutrients coming from a wealth of options.

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