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Environment: The Science behind the Stories (3rd Edition) Review
I agree that the book is rather useful and very practical. However, POLITICS IS A PART OF THIS FIELD. like it or not. and when facts are stated that some politician did or did not do something related to the environment, all of a sudden the authors become POLITICALLY BIASED. which is wrong and that is exactly what this book is trying to make u understand. DON'T JUST TRUST THE MEDIA for scientific facts, MEDIA IS POLITICIZED as well. true facts are available elsewhere, and this textbook does a rather good job in providing the facts.I got nothing personal to "pick" with the 1st reviewer or Mr.Bush. But I do dislike the type of misinformation and the logical fallacies used in the 1st review. [no offense, there is at least one logical fallacy in your review, go figure]
All I know, is that nobody is perfect and Bush was not a saint by any means. He indeed made mistakes; who's to say he did not make mistakes. On this virtue, who is to say that maybe some of his decisions regarding environment were not mistakes? Only true source I can trust are the scientists, and hands down republican and democrat environmental scientists (and NOT environmentalists-the activists) agree on the implications of mr.Bush's decisions. Of course Kyoto had it's own issues, but that does not exempt mr.Bush and his decisions from judgment and the judgment is not based on the political side of his actions which was basically that I do not sign this protocol since i find other countries not singing it (fair enough) but rather his lack of attentiveness and providing ANY real, researched and acceptable alternatives and thus letting the issue limbo which amounts to INACTION which is very much open to a fair scientific criticism when u look at the global implications.
After all, I think people should side with science when it opposes their politics, because politics come and go and get buried in history, however environmental/scientific facts & effects can last many many years and affect far more than the political constituency who gets offended.
POLAR BEARS are officially on the brink of extinction, GLOBAL WARMING is now a scientifically proven phenomena and no matter what your political figures dictate to you, they are no stronger and more truthful than mother nature. Most reputed scientists do a good job to stay unbiased and I believe the authors have remained quite unbiased, except that negative facts against some ppl are considered bias to their groupies...
u give a 1 star out of 5 to an almost excellent textbook, only because u r politically quite intolerant, now I believe that's one major BIAS right there: TO RUIN the whole thing, for seemingly just 1 problem.
the book is over 600 pages, and u repeatedly pick on page 77 and only based on that u give it 1/5 stars. that's so much for fairness and even if they were biased as u think, it still would not do justice to give them only 1 star, after all you're only in disagreement over 1 single page.
reading through your review, I think you may truly benefit from a business ethics course my friend. after all, democrats are correct about certain things at times, just like how republicans are correct about some other things. If I sat in my economics class and thought "gosh this is just some right wing proud corporate-America/capitalist propaganda", I would have never been able to live my life with a relaxed mind!
Environment: The Science behind the Stories (3rd Edition) Overview
KEY BENEFIT: The first edition of Environment: The Science behind the Stories made the biggest splash of any new entry in environmental science over the past thirty years. The newly revisedThird Edition retains all the popular features of this landmark first edition–including its integrated central case study approach, and focus on current data and critical thinking–while new instructor resources make it easier than ever to give dynamic lectures. Foundations of Environmental Science: An Introduction to Environmental Science, Environmental Ethics and Economics: Values and Choices, Environmental Policy: Decision-Making and Problem-Solving, From Chemistry to Energy to Life, Evolution, Biodiversity, and Population Ecology, Species Interactions and Community Ecology , Environmental Systems and Ecosystem Ecology. Environmental Issues and the Search For Solutions: Human Population Growth, Agriculture, Soils, and Soil Conservation, Agriculture, Biotechnology, and the Future of Food, Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, Resource Management, Forestry, Land Use, and Protected Areas, Urbanization and Creating Livable Cities, Toxicology and Environmental Health, Freshwater Resources: Natural Systems, Human Impact, and Conservation, Marine Resources: Natural Systems, Human Impact, and Conservation, Atmospheric Science and Air Pollution, Global Climate Change, Fossil Fuels: Energy and Impacts, Conventional Energy Alternatives: Hydropower, Biomass, and Nuclear Energy, New Renewable Energy Alternatives, Waste Management, Sustainable Solutions. For all readers interested in environmental science and its issues.Want to learn more information about Environment: The Science behind the Stories (3rd Edition)?
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