35% Off Discounts: Best Buy for Playful Learning: Develop Your Child's Sense of Joy and Wonder Review

Playful Learning: Develop Your Child's Sense of Joy and Wonder

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Playful Learning: Develop Your Child's Sense of Joy and Wonder Review

I've been reading early childhood education books for thirty years or so. It takes a serious gust to qualify as a breath of fresh air. This is it. This book artfully, masterfully, and very clearly presents a lovely marriage of the theories of Maria Montessori, Loris Malaguzzi, and Howard Gardner. What you get is an accesible and immediately implementable roadmap to the best of Montessori, Reggio Emelia, and Harvard Project Zero. It's absolutely not a theory book though--it's all very practical. This a visually inspiring book full of hands-on reading, science, and social activities for children from three or four to about eight or nine. There is just enough child development background to give underlying meaning to the activities. There are reproducibles to make it come to life easily. And there are very thoughtful, helpful, and beautiful pictures to inspire the visual among us. This book has me happily reorganizing and purposefully planning to capture the joyful moments of my children's natural inquisitiveness and wonder right along with them.

Playful Learning: Develop Your Child's Sense of Joy and Wonder Overview

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