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Declaring Spinsterhood Review

What if people were truly rational and always made good choices without having to go through all the messiness of EXPERIENCE and real life. Could we just skip the embarrassment, please? No, thank you. That would eliminate all the fun of observing the characters in Jamie Lynn Braziel's Declaring Spinsterhood as they stumble and fumble through the same kind of experiences that we survived, or fervently hope we will survive. Whether the reader identifies with the delightful but confused Emma or steadfast (and confused) Brian or even Emma's mother (who wants Emma to be happy in the socially approved manner) this well written and delightful journey through the hazards of misreading other people as well as ourselves is fun to read and experience. Braziel has produced a book that is lucidly written with a clear understanding of human strengths and a generous dollop of forgiveness for human frailties.

Declaring Spinsterhood Overview

Product DescriptionEmma Bailey is thirty years old and single. No problem for her, but a point of round-the-clock contention for her mother, her family, and too many of her friends. In Jamie Lynn Braziel's Declaring Spinsterhood, the terminal illness known as "old maid" is explored from every angle, and the result is a compassionate, compelling, and wickedly funny novel. Emma may stand up before all and declare her intention to never marry, but what about that little place in her heart reserved for Brian Davis? Sure, Brian's seeing someone, and Emma is not a vixen who breaks up relationships, but would it be so terrible if Brian returned the interest? Rather than bide her time, Emma dates'and dates. Some of the men are charming, others less so. With her vow of spinsterhood more a noose than a friend, Emma musters her courage and moves on. That is, until the unforeseen throws up the biggest obstacle of her life: love.About the AuthorBorn in Fort Worth, Texas, Jamie Lynn Braziel attended Southeastern Oklahoma State University, where she majored in English and minored in French. A financial analyst, the author is working towards a master's degree in accounting.

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