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Student Lab Notebook: 100 Spiral Bound duplicate pages Review
These books are pretty standard for lab researchers or for students. I used them for my General and Organic Chemistry lab courses.The Good:
-They are durable. The spiral binding isn't flimsy, and it won't fall apart.
-The duplicates are not carbon based.
-The sheets are quadrille ruled.
-If you spill chemicals on your notebook (like I did every day), as another reviewer said, the paper absorbs the chemicals really quickly. But the copy isn't really affected.
-Comes with a handy periodic table and reference table on the divider.
-The duplicates are fairly clear and legible
The Not So Good:
-Be careful what you rest on the notebook because if it's pointy it will leave stray marks on your copy.
Miscellaneous Remarks:
-I can't say this enough, but MAKE SURE YOU PUT THE DIVIDER BEHIND YOUR PAGE and the duplicate. If you don't do that, whatever you write will be imprinted onto the following 1 or 2 sheets (3 if you push hard when you write).
-The copy may look really faint at first, but give it some time. After a few minutes whatever you wrote or drew will become darker and easier to see.
These books are expensive, yes, but they are very useful. I still have mine and look back for reference.
Thanks for reading my review!
Student Lab Notebook: 100 Spiral Bound duplicate pages Overview
100 Carbonless duplicate pages sequentially numbered and Spiral Bound with plastic coil. Easy to use wrap around plastic coated cover with a periodic table of the elements. Additional features include a table of contents page and useful information for students of lab sciences.Want to learn more information about Student Lab Notebook: 100 Spiral Bound duplicate pages?
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