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Introduction to Geography: People, Places, and Environment (5th Edition) Review
I have used this text for approximately a year and found that the students are able to comprehend geography better with a systematic approach than a regional one. One of the things that sold me on this text was the auxillary material, particularly the webpage. The book is very easy to read and has excellent illustrations and photos. Needless to say, I highly recommend this text.Introduction to Geography: People, Places, and Environment (5th Edition) Overview
In today's world, what happens in places depends more and more on what happens among places. Introduction to Geography: People, Places, and Environment, Fifth Edition demonstrates that fact—and shows that we can understand mapped patterns only if we recognize the movement that creates and continuously rearranges those patterns. The authors discuss what happens in one set of geographic processes and how that process affects others. For example, what happens in economic systems affects environmental conditions; what happens to climate affects political dynamics. This text will introduce you to the major tools, techniques, and methodological approaches of the discipline of geography.Want to learn more information about Introduction to Geography: People, Places, and Environment (5th Edition)?
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