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Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife Review
Who among us does not have someone important in our lives who is dealing with alcohol addiction? I have a family of origin that was deeply shaped by alcoholism, as well as lifelong friends who are living with the disease, for better or for worse. We move forward through our lives together, with typical human love and confusion, struggling to understand and support one another in the healthiest ways we can manage. When alcohol "wins" these struggles, it always takes honesty as its first prisoner -- stories and feelings aren't shared, difficult conversations aren't attempted, and alcohol sucks the people I love back into its bubble. Wilhelmson's memoir is unstintingly honest and open in the places where "nice," "established" people would be tempted not to shine a light. The author reveals her flaws, her doubts and her missteps against the backdrop of a life that appears highly functional and successful. These are the alcoholics I know: they keep their lives afloat and, with the help of those closest to them, they maintain the appearance of having it all. When I read this book, I wonder what more I can do to support my friends who are struggling, and I am reminded of this addiction's overwhelming power to ensnare individuals, along with those who care about them. I thank the author for shining her light, because telling the truth about alcoholism is such a critical factor as we work to loosen its grip.Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife Overview
Brenda Wilhelmson was like a lot of women in her neighborhood. She had a husband and two children. She was educated and made a good living as a writer. She had a vibrant social life with a tight circle of friends. She could party until dawn and take her children to school the next day. From the outside, she appeared to have it all together. But, in truth, alcohol was slowly taking over, turning her world on its side. Waking up to another hangover, growing tired of embarrassing herself in front of friends and family, and feeling important moments slip away, Brenda made the most critical decision of her life: to get sober. She kept a diary of her first year in recovery, chronicling the struggles of finding a meeting she could look forward to, relating to her fellow alcoholics, and finding a sponsor with whom she connected. Along the way, she discovered the challenges and pleasures of living each day without alcohol, navigating a social circle where booze is a centerpiece, and dealing with her alcoholic father's terminal illness and denial.Brenda Wilhelmson's Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife offers insight, wisdom, and relevance for readers in recovery, as well as their loved ones, no matter how long they've been sober.Want to learn more information about Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife?
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