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The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies Review
Okay , I got up at 3:00 a.m. this morning in order to get this book on my kindle. I must admit, I try to still use my libraries as much as possible and normally have the patience to wait no matter how much I want to read a newly released book.But not this one.. no I have had a driving urge to get it since I learned it was coming out. That's been a long, long time. Nor would I ever consider with any other book writing a review before I read it. And I will come back and write a review after. Actually I've already started it and it's got me hooked so much I know I'll be book reading possessed and won't be able to stop till I finish it, but if you don't know this guy or anything about him, it would probably be most expedient to check out his youtube videos..
I have had the good blessings and cosmic luck to have stumbled upon his site over a year ago. I want to stress though, I do not know him at all, nor do I know anyone connected with him. So this is not some planted review. This is just a heart sent wish that everyone gets a chance to be exposed to this man's life work during this incredibly important time on the planet earth.
He has a ton of free info on his site, in fact so much there's enough reading there to keep you busy for a while, but I have feeling if you check out his work, take the time to read and listen, you'll be like me and feel that the only natural thing to do next is to buy the book. I really believe from keeping up with him, first that this guy is freaking amazingly intelligent, sincere and has poured his very soul into ALL of his work.
And I believe it's reached a point where he needs to be heard by as many people as possible. The more people hear and realize that the old myth that says we can only expect just so much and the ending must result in disaster needs to be put where it belongs.... as a fear based assumption fed to us by countless movies and media to keep us constantly so full of fear we can't hear the TRUTH.
So check his stuff out and consider that the price of the book is NOTHING when considering .. well honestly I cannot imagine how much actual time he put into this. I just know I heard in his most recent video that this is the culmination of around 30 years worth of work. Now compare that to the cost of a book and especially a book, that I believe if read by enough people will change those people, thus creating the new earth and upgrade for ourselves..Books are like anything else in todays culture... there is so much going on, so much information available, people have to feel like what they are buying is worth it, since so much info is free.This book will be worth. My hope is that enough people buy it that it gets real attention from the mainstream of book readers.. because it's going to be like the hundred monkey theory... reaching that critical mass of readers consciousness that I believe will trigger all humanity .. that's how big I think this book will be.
I'll be back after finishing it to write a review. And if you knew me personally, you'd swear I was far too lazy to write reviews... but not this time. This time I want to do my part in assisting the earth changes so we can actually get ourselves as all of humanity out of a groove and reach a new level of being that benefits all, that helps us realize just who we are..
I HAVE READ THE BOOK...... Could not add another review so I am just going to add that the book exceeded my expectations.. I can't add anymore than the other reviewers, they have done justice far better than I in describing the contents... The only thing I can say is that I plan on buying a hard copy to donate to the library and another for me since I got it in kindle due to my inability to wait on shipping :-) . I'd like to have a real copy of the book to mark so I can go back and look up a lot of sources he mentioned. So many sound intriguing and worth a further study.
The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies Overview
A stunning synthesis of hidden science and lost prophecies, The Source FieldInvestigations exposes many great secrets: DNA transformation, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, ancient conspiracies, multidimensional time, the Maya calendar, and a stunning new model of galactic energy fields triggering mental, biological, and spiritual evolution.More than two million people have seen David Wilcock's incredible tour of the 2012 prophecies in his Internet documentary, The 2012 Enigma. Now, he expands his vision with a cutting-edge investigation into alternative sciences with deep insights into what is coming in our future. Unlike the apoca-lyptic viewpoints depicted in big-budget disaster films, Wilcock believes that 2012 will be a water-mark for widespread acceptance of a greater reality - and in his book, he lays out many of the blueprints for such a Golden Age.Want to learn more information about The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations behind the 2012 Prophecies?
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