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The Slight Edge Review
This is truly a book I would recommend to anyone...and the only reason I would ever recommend a book is if it's had significant, real personal impact on my life in practical ways...and this book has done just that. It's caused me to be more consciously aware of the slight edge when making small, seemingly insignificant decisions throughout the day.Jeff doesn't necessarily offer up a new philosophy or idea in this book. But he uncovers the simple, eternal truths about success and failure, and he calls it the "slight edge": simplified disciplines (good or bad) compounded over time. This principle, which is true to everyone, everywhere, can be recognized and applied to EVERY area of life.
He explains how our society has been inundated with what he calls the "breakthrough mentality": how we expect success and completion to come easily and quickly. He breaks down the slight edge and how it affects your financial prosperity, health, relationships, etc. This book really causes you to look at your life, where you're at, how you got there, and the choices you can make daily to get to where you want to go.
I have read the book, I have listened to the audiobook. I will continue to refer back to it's principles.
Bottom Line: It's easy reading, it's practical, it's useful. Not only would I recommend this to everyone (which I RARELY ever do for a book), but if I was in charge of things, I would make this a required text in high schools.
The Slight Edge Overview
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