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Microeconomics Review
Samuel Weber's review implies this book is an excerpt; it's not. Microeconomics and macroeconomics are completely different subjects; the courses share only a few introductory chapters (e.g., supply and demand; production possibilities).Since they're different subjects, in most universities, they're taught by different professors, and students DON'T have the luxury of buying the big "Economics" book and having it last for two courses. I use K/W for micro; I think only one fellow prof uses K/W for macro.
So Mr. Weber's comment is no more true for this book than any other mainstream text.
Some good features of this book:
(1) a separate chapter on decision-making, differentiating discrete from marginal (yes/no from "how much") choice;
(2)choice under uncertainty, including discussion of risk tolerance and insurance;
(3) situations when buyers know more about the product than sellers, or vice versa (issues: "lemons," supervision of workers, warranties);
(4) a chapter on the economics of technology;
(5) interesting stories to start each chapter (such as London's pre-sewer "Great Stink of 1858")
(6) a mainstream focus in spite of Krugman's role as a political/econ
Microeconomics Overview
The same unique voice that made Paul Krugman a widely read economist is evident on every page of Microeconomics. The product of the partnership of coauthors Krugman and Robin Wells, the book returns in a new edition. The new edition is informed and informative, solidly grounded in economic fundamentals yet focused on the realities of today's world and the lives of students. It maintains the signature Krugman/Wells story-driven approach while incorporating organizational changes, new content and features, and new media and supplements. Watch a video interview of Paul Krugman here.Want to learn more information about Microeconomics?
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