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Cesar's Rules: Your Way to Train a Well-Behaved Dog Review
With "Cesar's Rules", Cesar Millan has provided a ton of information to dog owners about the history of dog training, various approaches to dog training, and how dogs have contributed to humans as working animals. Oh, and there's some dog training info, too!The book starts off with some background on Cesar. It quickly moves into background and thoughts from many other trainers. This is probably my favorite part of the book (as a professional animal trainer) as I love reading about the other trainers' backgrounds and methods. I also love that Cesar reaches out to many styles of trainers, including those who may disagree with his methods. Throughout the book, Cesar is highly respectful of each trainer's methods, even when he points out that he chooses another method. I also have to admit (and this is my scientific background coming out) that I am thrilled that Bob Bailey was interviewed for this book. So much of modern training comes from the decades of data and thousands of animals that Bob and the Brelands (graduate students of BF Skinner himself) worked with, and yet I meet so many trainers who have never heard of them. Bias aside, I think the variety and quality of trainers interviewed is top-notch, which bodes well for later chapters.
I think Cesar gives a very excellent and fair presentation on the use of rewards and punishments in training, allowing each person to have their say. Even when he presents his position, he seems to simply present it as his method, and not The One True Way. Very professional, and I admire him for that.
There are a few chapters that give dog owners some broad ideas for training, and then one final chapter which gives information for training a few behaviors. For each behavior, there are a variety of methods, allowing every owner to choose the method he or she is most comfortable with. This is great, because I know of some people who are comfortable using one method to get a sit, but can't get a down using that same method. If they switch methods, they can get a great down. It's great that Cesar provides SO many options.
Lastly, the book ends with a little chapter on how dogs help us with herding, scent work, protection, etc. It feels a little off-topic, but it's a nice way to wrap up rather than just ending cold on training plans.
While there are some things Cesar and I disagree on :) I have only 3 moderate complaints about the book. First, I dislike that Cesar labels "balanced" training as being based on both modern "positive" training and "traditional" training. It implies that anyone who doesn't do both is an "imbalanced" trainer. I think it's clear from his interview with Dr. Ian Dunbar (who would be thrown under the category of modern/positive) that he would not consider Dr. Dunbar or his dogs imbalanced, so why stick with this label? Second, I'm surprised that his walk training section includes a choke collar rather than a prong collar. He does an excellent job referring to the American Humane Association guidelines for the use of the electric collar. If he did the same with choke collars, he would have reported that they are not recommended for use. Alternatively, prong collars are "conditionally recommended" for certain training conditions. Furthermore, it is my experience that both traditional and modern/"positive" trainers, as a whole, view prong collars more favorably than choke collars. I wish he explained this choice better. Finally, I wish this book would give guidelines to pet owners for choosing a dog trainer, especially when he's telling his readers to use a professional trainer when using certain training tools. On the upside, it does give links to the APDT and IACP, two professional dog training organizations. Both provide links for finding dog professionals, and the APDT also gives guidelines for choosing a professional.
Beyond that, let's face it. Some "positive" trainers are not going to be satisfied with this book, as Cesar and some other trainers are still recommending the use of punishment in this book. Some traditional trainers and old Cesar fans will probably call him a sell-out for making this book, which tries to have professionals representing all types of dog training. I say phooey to both groups of people. This is a great book both for professionals, who should be working together to better the lives of dogs, and dog owners, not all of whom will be able to effectively use just one particular type of training. Well done, Cesar. Well done.
Cesar's Rules: Your Way to Train a Well-Behaved Dog Overview
The training book you've been waiting for from the bestselling author and star of National Geographic Channel's Dog Whisperer Your dog just doesn't seem to listen. You've been through obedience training, but he still can't seem to master the most basic commands. And nothing you do seems to prevent him from misbehaving. "Clients usually come to me when their dogs are ruining their lives, not when they won't sit," says Cesar. "But everywhere I go, people are telling me they are confused about the wide variety of training options and theories out there, and they feel paralyzed because they don't know which to choose." Now, in his usual straightforward, confident manner, Cesar takes on the topic of training for the first time, by explaining the importance of balance as the foundation for a healthy relationship between you and your dog. In order to provide a variety of training options, he calls upon some of the foremost experts in the field to offer their advice so that you can find the perfect approach that works for you and your dog through a variety of methods. Filled with practical advice, anecdotes, tips, and trouble-shooting techniques from Cesar and his colleagues, this is the ultimate guide to a well-behaved and well-balanced dog—from a new puppy to an old dog who can still learn new tricks. The Only Training Book You'll Ever Need #1 New York Times bestselling author Cesar Millan shows you how to communicate well with your dog and shares the most effective and humane methods for teaching your dog how to be a happy, well-behaved member of your household. In Cesar's Rules, he'll address:* The most popular training techniques, including positive reinforcement and using a clicker * Ways to teach basic obedience commands sucha as sit, stay, and come * The importance of balance, and why a well-trained dog does not necessarily mean a balanced one * How to use your dog's own natural inclinations to create better behavior * The methods and theories from a variety of renowned trainers, including Bob Bailey, Ian Dunbar, Joel Silverman, Martin Deeley, and Mark Harden * Encouraging and honoring your dog's instincts * And much more . . .Want to learn more information about Cesar's Rules: Your Way to Train a Well-Behaved Dog?
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