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Philosophy: History, Ideas, Theories, Who's Who, How to Think (EYEWITNESS COMPANION GUIDES)

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Philosophy: History, Ideas, Theories, Who's Who, How to Think (EYEWITNESS COMPANION GUIDES) Review

What is philosophy? How does one go about doing philosophy? What does it take to be a philosopher? "Philosophy: Eyewitness Companions" does a fabulous job in answering these questions and more.
My veterinarian once told me that much research is put into the shapes of those cat morsels in bags of cat food to create a desire by the cat to eat them. This must be true of the warp and woof and weft of the Eyewitness Companions because the book fits so nicely in hand like, well, a companion. Longer than a usual paperback, the book is covered with a pliable glossy cardboard, making the book shape to the hand. Front and back tell the reader exactly what is inside: philosophy--its history, ideas, theories, who's who, and how to think. "Evocative and imaginative images illustrate the philosophical arguments" (back cover).
So with companion in hand, let us walk through the contents. An English philosophy professor, Stephen Law, author of this volume, sets up the contents into logical order: introducing philosophy, history including the eastern world, branches of philosophy, philosophy toolkit, and the pantheon of 100 most important philosophers from the ancient world through today.
Each section is set up with many illustrations depicting content. For example, pp. 78-79, one photograph and one print illustrate the meaning of "The Allegory of the Cave," Plato's famous explanation of his Eternal Forms as opposed to the material world of decaying representative objects.

Another example of set-up is demonstrated by the section on the problem of evil, covered effectively and briefly in three pages with five illustrations. "Understanding the argument" is one of the sub-topics, as well as "No good reason for evil," "Does free will account for evil?" and "The vale of soul-making."
Law magnificently presents short summaries of all branches and people. These chapters include What is knowledge? Metaphysics? Moral philosophy, philosophy of the mind, of religion, of politics, and of science? With a 2007 publication date, his topics are current. One of perpetual interest is intelligent design vs scientific theory. As the Catholic Church early recognized: religion and science can work together.
The articles are not meant to be detailed.. All information is introductory, but insightful and informative. However, by the time the reader reaches the last section on the 100 greats, the next destination will be planned: a trip to the library or bookstore for more information. But that is the point of an introductory book: to introduce content to the individual. The DK Eyewitness Companions series is designed for adults and perhaps interested young adults.
An interesting side note: Quotations are interspersed throughout the book and make the reader pause to ponder, truly reflective of philosophical practice. Some examples:
"War does not determine who is right--only who is left."--Bertrand Russell
"There must be some one quality without which a work of art cannot exist."
Clive Bell
"Cells are simply too complex to have evolved randomly; intelligence was required to produce them." Michael Behe
Two things fill the mind with...wonder and awe...the starry heaven above me and the moral law within me." Immanuel Kant
This Eyewitness Companion is the most satisfactory, even superb, introduction to philosophy found on the market today, or at least as good as any other. Want philosophy? Get "Philosophy: Eyewitness Companions" and take with you a great guide on your quest.
Very highly recommended

Philosophy: History, Ideas, Theories, Who's Who, How to Think (EYEWITNESS COMPANION GUIDES) Overview

Covering not only the history of Western thought, but also the traditions of Eastern philosophy and schools of thought from the Indian subcontinent, this companion combines philosophical analysis with historical and biographical information to explain and explore the major issues, theories, and problems at the heart of all philosophies.

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