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Encountering Jesus in the New Testament - Student Text

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Encountering Jesus in the New Testament - Student Text Review

The work is well organized. For instance, the book
begins with the Historical Jesus, the New Testament,
the Gospels, Paul's letters, the early Church and
the Jesus of today.
Tacitus verified Jesus' public life during the reign
of Emperor Tiberius. The Evangelist Luke made a
similar verification in Luke 3: 1-2. The New Testament
is the primary source material on Jesus, although the
Old Testament prophecy of Jesus is chilling.
i.e. born in Bethlehem of a virgin and the Resurrection
Specific Aramaic words are traceable to Jesus.
i.e. Abba, Talitha Koum, Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani
The world of Jesus is fascinating for the inclusion of
the Holy Land, Aramaic religious feasts and the
politics of 1st century Palestine.
Jesus utilized the parables to invite the flock to share
in the Kingdom of God. The Church teaching on Mary was
very specific. For instance, Mary conceived by the
Holy Spirit. The book doesn't say so specifically;
however, the Great Fire of Rome 64 AD may have destroyed
much of the official Roman record of Jesus. That
record could have included correlating statements
of public officials about Jesus, real evidence of
artifacts and official documents under the seal of Rome.
The book cites that we should leave the timing of the
end of the world in God's hands. There is an extensive
coverage of the Dead Sea Scrolls in an online reference.
The volume ends with a very extensive index of Scripture
and pertinent references by the author.
The presentation is excellent for a wide constituency
of readers; namely, high school, college and contemporary
religious scholars.

Encountering Jesus in the New Testament - Student Text Overview

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