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ChiRunning: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-Free Running Review
What an interesting running book! Buy this book if you:-would like to be able to run well into your old age
-would like to improve your running form and have fewer injuries
-would like to have a more philosophical approach to your running
-would like to increase your overall health
Here's how the book roughly pans out:
-Chapter 1: compares power running to ChiRunning
-Chapter 2: goes into the 5 principles upon which TaiChi and ChiRunning are based
-Chapter 3: gets into the "inner" skills of ChiRunning
As you can see, the first 3 chapters lay out the philosopical foundation- that's so when you get to the specific techniques, they make sense.
Chaper 4: learn about the ChiRunning "focuses"- which are the specific physical and mental methods used to run more efficiently.
Chapters 5-9: covers program development, peak performance training and diet. Note: Chapter 7 also covers some info on common injuries such as muscle cramps, plantar fasciitis (also rec. The 5-Minute Plantar Fasciitis Solution for more info on this), heel cord problems.
Chapter 10: how to incorporate the ChiRunning principles into your everyday life
As you can tell, ChiRunning, with its mind-body approach, is far from your typical book on running- and shouldn't be missed by any serious runner. Happy trails.
ChiRunning: A Revolutionary Approach to Effortless, Injury-Free Running Overview
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