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The Next Port Review
I couldn't put this book down! What an adventure! Anyone that loves the ocean, fishing, sailing or adventure will enjoy it. High points (for the reader) are a sailfish bill puncture to the author's son's foot, the loss of the auto pilot and it's reconstruction, both on the long crossing from the Galapagos to the Marquesas. Oh, the fire in the bilge pump was interesting, as was the birth of a humpback whale at a mooring site in the South Pacific... I occasionally needed a sailing dictionary, but otherwise enjoyed every word. A personal view of the dangers, challenges and joys of crusing.The Next Port Overview
The Next Port by Heyward Coleman is a bold and entertaining memoir chronicling the five year voyage the author and his wife made sailing their 42-foot sailboat, Skimmer, and offers a few insights about marriage, religion, and the pursuit of happiness. Readers will marvel at the warmth, generosity and wisdom the world had to offer them on this journey of a lifetime.What began as letters to family and friends ultimately became an engaging book that chronicles the realization of a lifelong dream of the author and his wife to explore the world on a sailboat and is a powerful testament to the life and love that flourished during their five-year “world-wind" voyage. The memoir begins with a flashback sequence as the reader is catapulted into a world of high-wind hurricanes and pirate-threats with adventures from Guantanamo, Cuba to Djibouti in the horn of Africa and nearly forty countries in between. From the joy of new friendships and landscapes to a broken autopilot in the middle of the Pacific, a four-day storm heading for the Southern Cook Islands, and the despair of running Skimmer on the rocks, the seven seas were great teachers and have never been so restless-or forgiving.Want to learn more information about The Next Port?
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