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Successful Coaching - 3rd Edition Review
This is THE best coaching book for beginner to intermediate coaches I have EVER read. I think so highly of this book that I feel all coaches should be handed a copy as soon as they sign up for a coaching job. This is the book that basically made me the coach I am today.When I first began coaching high school hockey, I sought coaching education in all the books I could find. But for a beginning coach, many of these books fell short with the simple fact that new coaches need to learn from the bottom up. This book not only remembers to teach you all aspects of coaching you will need to get started in coaching but hits on a lot of the aspects that you may not even have considered. This is the first book I read that hits upon the idea that coaching is more that X's and O's.Many coaching books fail to realize that organization is the key to successful coaching. Practice and season planning are covered in a way that a new coach can begin planning their season immediately.Physical conditioning planning and teaching plans are covered in a way that no matter what the sport is that you are coaching, you can apply the lessons taught. From how to make up your season outline to how to set and reach your team objectives are covered to the point where you can gain the confidence you need to succeed.But also covered are things such as how to avoid legal problems, how to deal with parents and how and when to run meetings with both parents and players. These are the very details that most hockey or coaching books seem to leave out. And these are the very things that all new coaches need to get information on BEFORE they begin. And after coaching for four years on the high school level, I have needed ALL of the information I gained from this book.I can not recommend this book enough. EVERY COACH IN EVERY SPORT SHOULD OWN IT.Successful Coaching - 3rd Edition Overview
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