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Create Unlimited Financial Abundance

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Create Unlimited Financial Abundance Review

Now that I got your attention...
It's funny how people think we can be hypnotized. How can we, when for the most part, most of us already are? We are so conditioned by certain ideas, beliefs, and opinions that most of us don't even question why we think the way we do we just know that we do. We would like to think that we think for ourselves but when hardpressed as to why we believe the things we do most of us would say that we adopted beliefs from those people who raised us.
I'm not promoting blame here because those people had to learn their beliefs from somewhere and those people had to learn their beliefs from somewhere and on and on it goes. What does it say in scripture, "The sins of the father shall be visited upon the sons..." And I take that to mean that we tend to adopt the errors of those who love us the most.
My dad was raised during the depression so every night we had to hear how poor his family was; "My family was so poor we had to eat dirt and sometimes we got lucky and got a rock to gnaw on...my family was so poor I had to wear my sister's old clothes...my family was so poor that the family pet was a washtub by the name of Skippy."
And what I found was the constant repeating of those stories began to reflect in my own attitudes about money. Yes, the sins of my dad were visiting upon me and I don't know when it was but one day I woke up...literally as well as metaphorically...and I had this epiphany that maybe...just maybe my financial situations were connected with my thoughts. Maybe being poor is a choice albeit an unconscious choice. Maybe if I changed my thoughts, I could change my life.
I came across this brilliant CD by Glenn Harold and decided to have a listen. I started crying when he began to mention some of the limiting beliefs I was holding about money and financial independence. I really did feel undeserving and unworthy to have money. In fact, whenever I did have a "streak of luck" and had some extra cash, I had to get rid of it as soon as possible because it felt so uncomfortable.
I didn't really feel that I was being hypnotized, if anything, I felt I was being de-hypnotized...deprogrammed...healed of those old beliefs and what I began to notice is that there really is no shortage of money. Money is EVERYWHERE and I mean EVERYWHERE. I remember after listening to this CD for just a few days I found $100 in the street. I picked up that $100 bill not with awe and amazement, but with gratitude and appreciation and with almost a feeling of, "but of course...the universe wants me to be rich..."
But not only does the universe want me to be rich, the universe already created me rich, wealthy, and prosperous. Y'see, what you are doing with Glenn Harold's fantastic program is revealing the "real you". It's the you that thought it was poor, unlucky, and miserable that's the fake; the "real you" is even now totally and completely abundant and prosperous and blessed. Remember, you are made in the Image and Likeness of the Infinite Substance of Life Itself and the more you see yourself in this way, the more you align yourself with the unlimited abundance that is always coming your way.
If you start doing this program and the next day you find a penny on the ground, I want you to pick it up. That's right. Pick it up and put it in your pocket. Why? Because a penny is still a symbol of Infinite Substance and there is just as much substance in that little penny as there is in a million dollars. The only thing that is different is the ideas we hold for the two amounts but begin to see every nickle, every dime, every dollar bill as a symbol of Infinite Wealth.
Pretty soon you won't be "asking" for money...money will always be there when you need it and the real secret to this thing is to never be in need...to never have the feeling of wanting something outside of you becase you will quickly learn that everything is already within you and your life is simply a reflection of what you believe to be the most true.
Do you want to stop believing in limitation and scarcity? Then get this CD and let it "remind" you of something you knew a very long time ago. Believe it or not, you came into this world with a prosperous mindset and slowly but surely it was covered up by "the ways of the world". The devil's tool is to get us to believe we are not worthy or deserving of living a wonderful life abundant in every area but you are and you wanna know why you are?
Because you are here being YOU.
It's as simple as that.
Peace and blessings to you,
john 'the Light Coach'

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