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The Secret To Stop Smoking Review
Basically the book does what it says. It starts off by explaining how come people find it so hard to quit smoking. Then it explains how people who have learned to stop have done it (including the author who was a smoker himself). What is special and different about this book is how it makes you feel as you read it. Something starts to change as you read each page and you slowly start to begin to feel differently about smoking. Its hard to describe, but its like you can see more clearly what cigarettes are doing to you and you start losing the desire to ever want them in your life. Anyways, you have to do the exercises but they are actually fun and help you see other things too. I can't recommend this book enough. I got this book for all my friends who are still smokers because I knew they would love it too!The Secret To Stop Smoking Overview
In the groundbreaking and highly motivating book, The Secret to Stop Smoking: Unleash Your Power, Dr. Scott Rosiere shares his breakthrough discovery that will be celebrated by every man and woman who smokes...and wants to quit. Learn the universal laws that determine nicotine addiction and take possession of a proven method that enables anyone to break-free of its evil grip. The author intimately understands the smoker's dilemma-wanting to quit, yet still having the urge to smoke. With this book in hand, smokers will learn the straightforward, gimmick-free way to take back their non-smoking lives, and doing so without the stress, weight gain, cravings, or mood swings often associated with the process. The road to becoming a non-smoker does not have to be painful or difficult. This is the book that proves that point...and sets smokers free from the insidious urge to smoke once and for all. If you are a current smoker, or have ever had trouble quitting before, this book is a must-read.Want to learn more information about The Secret To Stop Smoking?
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