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Anticancer, A New Way of Life, New Edition Review
It came as a total shock when I found out I had a brain tumor in October, 2009. I am a non-smoker, a vegetarian, I've always been slim and exercise most days. I'd seen this book before my diagnosis and thought it looked good, but didn't buy it. Thought I didn't need it.Once I realized the author also had a brain tumor and has been able to keep it in check for over 15 years through diet and other means, I knew this was the book for me. If you want to learn how to do something, go to someone who has done it! So I bought the book. It's an easy read and is backed up by scientific research and 28 pages of footnotes in case you want to learn more. The book is very specific in its recommendations.
I took the plunge around Christmas, 2009 and have been following the diet ever since. I underwent a year of chemotherapy treatments at the same time. Every three months I have an MRI and each time the news gets better! What was a slow growing, inoperable tumor has become a fast shrinking one instead.
Reading this book and changing what I eat has been incredibly empowering for me. I thought I knew a lot about nutrition before, but I learned some important things from Dr. Servan-Schreiber:
- Good oils to use (olive and canola)
- Spices to add (garlic, ginger, turmeric)
- Vegetables to eat daily (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, all cabbages)
I also learned some sobering facts about sugar (see page 61):
"The German biologist Otto Heinrick Warburg won the Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery that the metabolism of malignant tumors is largely dependent on glucose consumption. (Glucose is the form of digested sugar in the body.) In fact the PET scan commonly used to detect cancer simply measures the areas in the body that consume the most glucose. If a particular area stands out because it consumes too much sugar, cancer is very likely the cause."
I never thought I could kick the sugar habit, but after the first two weeks it wasn't hard. I found substitutes to feed my sweet tooth - berries, fruits, cinnamon, stevia, and baker's chocolate (which is unsweetened) with any of the above. It's not rocket science. You just need to decide what you want and then make the changes to get there.
Anticancer, A New Way of Life, New Edition Overview
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