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Biological Science with MasteringBiology® (4th Edition) Review

In more than twenty years of teaching college biology I have dealt with a full spectrum of texts. Many of these have been problematic or uneven in their coverage of core materials, few if any have managed to provide equal coverage of sub-cellular,cellular, and organismal biology, but usually they at least try. Without question Freeman represents an all-time low in this genre. Freeman has clearly never encountered a biological process that he won't reduce to ridiculously over-detailed molecular mechanisms. His organisation is downright peculiar (WHY for instance does he lump the entire sensory structure and function into the same (short) chapter that includes muscles and locomotion??). Explanations are at one level too detailed (few students REALLy need to know this much stuff about molecular biology in an Intro class) and also ridiculously simplistic and outdated (his community ecology chapter is presented in an entirely non-critical fashion & one gets the sense that he stopped his literature review at around 1967. perhaps one of the most annoying features of this book is the "pre-highlighting" of often random pieces of text. I discourage my students from highlighting in general as it often makes it harder for them to seriously review materials (if they highlighted an insignificant phrase the first time they are that much less likely to get the important point on a re-read). No worries. freeman has done it all for them. it does however beg the question if the author himself thinks there are only two "key paragraphs" on an entire page of verbiage WHY do we have more than 1200 pages of text and a three figure price tag? The answer of course is the three figure price tag. The publisher knows that students paying this much expect a book that will make them walk at an angle when they carry it, so the book is larded down with padding. The publisher also boasts about the "added value" of their "Mastering Biology" web package. My students uniformly described this as "useless". It seems to be aimed squarely at desperate High School teachers who have been forced by "learning results" to teach to some standardized text and have abandoned any hope of their students ever regarding Biology as a Science. In summary, when I mentioned to my students that I was writing a review of their text book they laughed. It was NOT a kind laughter. These are bright students on tight budgets. They deserve much more.

Biological Science with MasteringBiology® (4th Edition) Overview

Supports and motivates you as you learn to think like a biologist.Building upon Scott Freeman's unique narrative style that incorporates the Socratic approach and drawsyou into thinking like a biologist, the Fourth Edition has been carefully refined to motivate and support a broader range of learners as they are introduced to new concepts and encouraged to develop and practice new skills.Each page of the book is designed in the spirit of active learning and instructional reinforcement, equipping novice learners with tools that help them advance in the course–from recognizing essential information in highlighted sections to demonstrating and applying their understanding of concepts in practice exercises that gradually build in difficulty.New to Freeman's MasteringBiology® online tutorial and assessment system are ten classic experiment tutorials and automatically-graded assignment options that are adapted directly from content and exercises in the book. Package Components:Biological Science, Fourth Edition

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