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Timing Review

4.75 Review
Ever discover an author whose writing appeals to you on a bunch of different levels? This has happened to me a number of times, and it is always both exciting and a little bit frustrating. Exciting because I have the author's entire body of work to explore. Frustrating because once I've exhausted that backlist, I have to be patient while I wait for the author's next release. This is exactly what has happened to me regarding author Mary Calmes. Last month after I reviewed her novel "The Guardian," I was delighted to find that she had a new release coming out almost the next day, "Timing." I purchased this new novel immediately and thought that I showed remarkable restraint in waiting a week or two before reading it.
"Timing" is a story about two men who find love after years of feuding and antagonism. While Ms Calmes' two previous novels each have a paranormal or fantasy element to them, I would classify this as simply a contemporary m/m romance with perhaps just a touch of suspense to it. But then, Timing doesn't need a fantastical element to make it entertaining. It is driven by a large and wonderful cast of characters, an irrepressible thread of humor, and a surprisingly sweet love story.
This story revolves around a wedding, and we all know how stressful those can be, bringing together two families as well as a gaggle of friends who may not have anything in common. Part of the plot of "Timing" tackles the madness that revolves around the last few days before a wedding: disasters with wedding dresses and misprinted programs, drinking games gone awry, a bride whose nerves are stretched to the breaking point, and a maid of honor who is not a maid but rather a gay man. Ms. Calmes has created an atmosphere of almost-hysterical barely-controlled mayhem in this novel, and it is in the middle of this high volume madness that the two heroes discover each other after years of what they thought was mutual detestation.
Rand and Stef are a well-drawn and magnetic pair of heroes, and Ms. Calmes has imbued them with a chemistry that can only be called ballistic. With ten years of antagonism built up, it is no wonder that when they come together physically the results resemble a fireworks display. However, there is a tenderness present as well, and while this may at first seem out of place in a character as initially cold and unpleasant as Rand and one as commitment-shy as Stef, once the two come together it just plain works for them.
I found "Timing" to be almost irresistible, and I could barely stand to put it down. It is sweet, humorous and quite sexy in places, and I found it to be a very good read. In fact, I read until late in the night to complete it and found myself laughing out loud a number of times and hoping that the two heroes could pull off a miracle and find their happily-ever-after together. And now that I have finished this story, I'm left wanting more from Ms. Calmes. She has definitely gone on my "favorites" list, and I will be eagerly anticipating her next release.

Timing Overview

Stefan Joss just can't win. Not only does he have to go to Texas in the middle of summer to be the man of honor in his best friend Charlotte's wedding, but he's expected to negotiate a million-dollar business deal at the same time. Worst of all, he's thrown for a loop when he arrives to see the one man Charlotte promised wouldn't be there: her brother, Rand Holloway. Stefan and Rand have been mortal enemies since the day they met, so Stefan is shocked when a temporary cease-fire sees the usual hostility replaced by instant chemistry. Though leery of the unexpected feelings, Stefan is swayed by a sincere revelation from Rand, and he decides to give Rand a chance. But their budding romance is threatened when Stefan's business deal goes wrong: the owner of the last ranch he needs to secure for the company is murdered. Stefan's in for the surprise of his life as he finds himself in danger as well.

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