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Juice Fasting and Detoxification: Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great

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Juice Fasting and Detoxification: Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great Review

Poisons sting twice: once on the way in and again on the way out.
Expect to experience the toxins leaving your body in the form of headaches, light-headedness and fever.
A one-day fast hardly interrupts your schedule, but it give's the body's organs a moment of peace in a hectic world to remove toxins and NOT be busy with the work of digestion. A one-day-per-week fast gives your body 50 days out of the year to cleanse and heal.
Meyerowitz believes that fasting is the fastest way to restore your health. He goes into detail on short fasting and what it takes to safely experience long fasts of more than two weeks. Give your cells and yourselves the opportunity to cleanse, nourish, rejuvenate and heal.
(1) Increase Energy and Improve Mental Alertness (2) Heal Chronic Ailments without Drugs (3) Lose Weight without the Hassle of Diets (4) Maintain Stamina without Hunger (5) Fast at Home or at Work --- Perfect for a Busy Lifestyle (6) Make Quick and Delicious Juice Recipes
How Long to Fast According to Meyerowitz, the duration of a fast depends on:
(1) Fasting Experience (2) Physical Strength and Condition (3) Nature of ailment if Any (4) Previous diet (5) Mental Attitude (6)Level of Toxicity (7) Schedule of Work and Activities (7)Environment and Weather (8) Age
Chemically speaking, a long fast is divided into three stages, which Meyerowitz describes in some detail. The first few days is primarily devoted to body reorientation, as your system starts to change the pH of your stomach. During the second phase, the liver starts to purge itself of its chemical and toxic load. The third phase involves deep tissue cleansing.
Drinking only water is what most people think of when fasting is mentioned. Rest and inactivity is very important during a long water fast. Choose clean fresh air in a relaxing environment for this kind of fast. There are good suggestions and guidelines in this chapter for both water and juice fasting.
Juice Fasting is an ideal way for first timers to start. The juice supplies nutrients and calories and thus protects you if you must continue to work during the fast. This chapter contains valuable information on the various fruit and vegetable juices, including Weatgrass --- The Queen of Juices.
Remember your water must be pure! Whether filtered water that contains all the minerals or distilled water that many describe as dead water ---- do not drink water from your tap without removing the chemicals from it.
Coming off the Fast According to our author, fasting is easy --- but the transition back to eating is what is hard. He has suggestions for your transition from a long fast and which foods are good to start eating first. Knowing when to stop is discussed as is the phases in the road back. Break fasts with soft, high water content foods like juicy fruits, light soups, etc. Watermelon is a good choice.
This is the second book that I purchased by Steve Meyerowitz. I was so impressed with "Power Juices Super Drinks", that I had to order "Juice Fasting & Detoxification". At 137 pages, this is not a very big book. But I highly recommend it if you are considering fasting as a part of your lifestyle. Each page is full of valuable information. It is a reference guide.
Steve Meyerowitz Background In the mid-1970's. Steve Meyerowitz was nicknamed "Sproutman" ...He found no help for his allergies and asthma via traditional methods and turned to a vegetarian and fruitarian diet. He lives in the city yet grows much of his own food.

Juice Fasting and Detoxification: Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great Overview

This book explains how to fast using raw fruit &vegetable juices while maintaining a nearly normal work and livingschedule. Includes: Juice recipes, detoxification techniques,exercises, weight loss, water fasting; about the organs ofelimination; how to handle a "healing event," and how to exit a fastsafely.

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