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Peas and Thank You: Simple Meatless Meals the Whole Family Will Love

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Peas and Thank You: Simple Meatless Meals the Whole Family Will Love Review

Let me start out by saying that I'm 23, have no children, and only found Mama Pea's blog after the book was released, three facts which undoubtedly influence my review. Additionally, I was a bit hesitant to order the book because I struggled to find a review that didn't begin with, "I found Mama Pea's blog x months/years ago" and knew that these were fans doing what we do best: supporting their champion. I understand and respect this but it does make it hard to find a balanced review. That is what I hope to offer here.Things I liked:
-The index which is BY ingredient. This is time-consuming for the author but oh-so-helpful to the reader when they have x, y, or z going bad and need to use it STAT!
-The pictures of her food are beautiful and I love that there is one for almost every recipe.
-The glossary at the beginning of the book. It super useful, especially if you are new to the world of vegan/veg cooking. I especially liked her inclusion of the Dirty Dozen although I would have liked a note about how this changes every year.
-Every. single. soup. recipe. I'm kind of obsessed.
-The twists she put on vegan classics (e.g. Mini Tofu Frittatas, lentil meatballs, etc).
-Mama Pea offers serving suggestions for different recipes.

Things I didn't like:
-The heavy reliance on processed foods. Given Mama Pea's disdain for the processed foods she gave up, this was a HUGE disappointment and the biggest factor in my rating. Earth Balance, Lightlife products, Tofutti, Veganaise...they are not only present (which is to be expected) but used often. While the book does not claim to be a whole foods cookbook, Mama Pea makes it very clear that she doesn't like non-vegan processed foods. Furthermore, these products are rather expensive while their homemade counterparts (made of beans, tofu, etc) are much cheaper.
-Sugar, agave, and more sugar. Many of the recipes had a lot of added sugar and/or called for agave, another surprise since a) both of these products are pretty processed and b) there is a large body of research regarding their negative health effects. To be fair, there are about equally as many recipes that deem sweetener "optional" but I was not expecting to see it on so many pages.
-Mama Pea's focus on appearance. My favorite story was with Teriyaki tofu when Mama Pea talks about letting her curly hair go. The picture that accompanies it is the most beautiful one in the entire book and I wish this theme of self acceptance (rather than taming the wild curly beast or harping on Pea Daddy) wound its way more so through the book. Things I'm on the fence about:
-The stories. Some were frigging hysterical. Others, completely heartwarming. And others...distracting. I would have liked more recipes and less stories or at least shorter ones.
-The family photos. Part of me found them heartwarming and part of me thought there were too many for safety's sake more than anything. I would have preferred less, as cute as Gigi and Lulu are.
-The desire to not identify as vegan. On one hand I get it (the vegan community can be very judgmental, it allows her to appeal to a wider customer base, it is less intimidating for those who aren't vegan, etc) and on the other I just don't (she cooks vegan recipes and the vegan community could use another wonderful, welcoming voice). I totally respect her decision and while this did not directly affect my rating I have no doubt it will surprise others who are unfamiliar with her blog.
-The use of the word "simple". I felt some recipes were ridiculously simple and others were rather time-consuming and more complicated, especially the baked goods. Marinating tofu for an hour isn't a complicated task but simple, to me at least, implies easy-to-find ingredients (most are, some are a bit more foreign or expensive), quick preparation, simple preparation techniques, and easy instructions. Her recipes were about 50/50 I felt.Overall:
While I can't say that I love the book or that it'll be my new go-to, there are certainly a number of recipes that caught my eye for their novelty and interesting characteristics. If sugar and processed foods had been less prevalent, this would have easily received another star or two. If those aren't things you worry about, and especially if you have kids, this is a great cookbook for you. Otherwise, I'd say to keep looking.

Peas and Thank You: Simple Meatless Meals the Whole Family Will Love Overview

Over 85 Recipeas, One Very Happy FamilyWhen Sarah Matheny, creator of the popular blog Peas and Thank You, decided to eliminate animal products from her diet, she knew there'd be skeptics. Her husband was raised on the standard American diet. Her grandpa was a butcher. Her mom was the best home cook around, with a generous pat of butter here and a crumble of bacon there. But now Sarah is a mom who wants to feed her children right.Out went the diet soda. In came the smoothies.Out went the "nutrition" bars. In came the nutritious cookies.Out went a tired, caffeine–fueled mom. In came Mama Pea.Peas and Thank You is a collection of recipes and stories from a mainstream family eating a not–so–mainstream diet. Filled with healthy and delicious versions of foods we've all grown up enjoying, but with a Mama Pea twist-no meat, lots of fresh ingredients and plenty of nutrition for growing Peas. From wholesome breakfasts to mouth–watering desserts, there's plenty here to satisfy the pickiest Peas in your life. It's easier than ever to whip up crowd–pleasing meals that will have the whole family asking for, "more, Peas."

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