32% Off Discounts: Best Buy for The Wayne Dyer CD Collection Review

The Wayne Dyer CD Collection

Are you looking to buy The Wayne Dyer CD Collection? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Wayne Dyer CD Collection. check out the link below:

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The Wayne Dyer CD Collection Review

This CD set is a compilation of the series of televised specials that have been shown on Public Television during pledge breaks. They are essentially the audio portions of his video program.
I own a number of Wayne Dyer tape sets and this CD compilation is a bargain. It contains his best material at about 90% off what you could pay to purchase his larger tape sets.
One of the attractions of Wayne Dyer to me is not his advice - which borrows heavily from other self-help gurus - but his delivery combined with his own personal stories. He relies heavily on discussion of his personal background from being in an orphanage to being divorced and dealing with the absence of his father since birth.
Wayne Dyers books have weathered the passing of time. His popularity may have been greatest in the late 70's - however his message is still crystal clear for anyone who wishes to listen and learn.

The Wayne Dyer CD Collection Overview

This four-CD collection is filled with Dr. Wayne Dyer's incomparable wisdom. It guides us to new levels of self-awareness.

Included in this CD Collection are:

There Is A Spiritual Solution to Every Problem: On this inspirational and highly informative CD program, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer offers his wit and wisdom, taking you on a sacred journey where the spirit triumphs, teaching you that there is a spiritual solution to every problem.

Dr. Wayne Dye's 10 Secrets to Success and Inner Peace: The ten secrets for success and inner peace presented here apply whether you're just embarking on your path, are nearing the end of it, or are on the path in any way. Dr. Dyer urges you to read these ten secrets with an open heart. By doing so, you'll learn to feel the peace of God that truly defines success.

Improve Your Life Using the Wisdom of the Ages: On this stirring CD, you will learn from Dr. Dyer how to use and apply ancient wisdom from over 60 of the greatest thinkers and spiritual masters that our world has known, including Jesus, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Thoreau, Gibran, Yogananda, and Descartes, to name a few. Don't die with your music still in you, Dr. Dyer urges, if you want to achieve greatness. You are born on Earth to do your own unique life's work.

How to Get What You Really, Really, Really Want: Dr. Dyer teaches you how to start getting your heart's desire by first becoming a self-actualized person; second, being independent of other people's opinions; third, being detached from outcomes; and fourth, being free of any investment to have power or control over other people. Then, you must banish all doubt from your mind, and know that you can attract what you want into your life.

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32% Off Discounts: Special Prices for Leo the Lightning Bug Review

Leo the Lightning Bug

Are you looking to buy Leo the Lightning Bug? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Leo the Lightning Bug. check out the link below:

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Leo the Lightning Bug Review

"Leo the Lightning Bug" is a book that has a touching message that applies to
each and every one of us. It is one of those rare children's books that
imparts a feeling of self worth and courage. It is sensitive, funny, sad, and
exciting - without a single unengaged moment. The illustrations are
expressive and delightful. The enclosed CD is especially wonderful. The sound
effects and music are beautifully incorporated into the story. The voices,
including children's voices, make the story and its characters irrisistable.
I love this book, and every child (or adult) to whom I have shown it, also
loves it. I recommend "Leo the Lightning Bug" for everyone. It will be one
book that you listen to over and over again and will want to keep for your

Leo the Lightning Bug Overview

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34% Off Discounts: Best Price Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart Review

Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart

Are you looking to buy Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart. check out the link below:

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Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart Review

I was drawn to Drunvalo's Flower of Life teachings after being approached by a complete stranger who introduced me to them via his website. I found those volumes to be enjoyable but quite intense. On the other hand, Living in the Heart is a simple and easy book to read almost in one sitting. Yet it holds some powerful and simple observations and experiences about our world. The heart is where feelings are made manifest in our physical world, and it's our feelings that speak to the Mind of God, or the hidden field of intelligence as described by Gregg Braden (God Code, Isaiah Effect) and Lynne McTaggart (The Field). Our feelings communicate with the 99% of the energy in our world which is invisible to our eyes and ears. Following the heart reminds me of Stalking the Spirit, or following heart and gut feelings which can be an incredibly exciting journey. The times I have done it I've found myself surrounded by events and open doors my rational mind is unable to explain. If we want to change our world we must first become the feeling through prayer, rather than "thinking for" something, and then trust our creative essence.
Drunvalo explains some complex and deep concepts with simplicity and focus. His introduction of the Unity breath ties in elegantly with the principle of universality of feeling. Globally we may have different languages, symbols, philosophies, values, hopes and desires, but the one thing that unifies all of us, is our feelings. We can all recognise feelings of happiness, sadness, anger etc. no matter what our race, colour, religion, or material well-being. We are separate, yet we are not.
Buy the book, take a chance, do the meditation and have some fun!
Daniel John Hancock

Living in the Heart: How to Enter into the Sacred Space Within the Heart Overview

All over the planet Drunvalo Melchizedek is known and immensely loved as a great spiritual teacher.Through workshops and books he brought his vision of the Flower of Life and the Mer-Ka-Ba to the world.Now, based on his latest series of workshops, he shares his experiences of living in the sacred space within the heart, and he explains the processes and techniques he uses to enter this space.Join him and be part of the large group of people who have found the joy of living in the space where you and God are one."Long ago we humans used a form of communication and sensing that did not involve the brain in any way; rather, it came from a sacred place within our heart.What good would it do to find this place again in a world where the greatest religion is science and the logic of the mind?Don't I know this world where emotions and feelings are second-class citizens?Yes, I do.But my teachers have asked me to remind you who you really are.You are more than a human being, much more.For within your heart is a place, a sacred place where the world can literally be remade through conscious cocreation.If you give me permission, I will show what has been shown to me." – Drunvalo Melchizedek

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50% Off Discounts: Buy Cheap I Can Make You Confident: The Power to Go for Anything You Want Review

I Can Make You Confident: The Power to Go for Anything You Want

Are you looking to buy I Can Make You Confident: The Power to Go for Anything You Want? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on I Can Make You Confident: The Power to Go for Anything You Want. check out the link below:

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I Can Make You Confident: The Power to Go for Anything You Want Review

This book provides simple, yet very effective, exercises to boost your self-esteem, confidence, and motivation. Using hypnosis, NLP, and some very intriguing accupressure techniques (Tought Field Therapy), McKenna gives you the power to completely overhaul your limited self-beliefs.
The book has material to address the most important areas where we all need confidence: self-image, relationships, business, public speaking, dating and sex, and leaving bad situations.
I actually bought this book from a regular bookstore because I didn't want to wait for it to be shipped to me! As I was sitting there in the store reading it, I found that I was instantly feeling better about myself and much more confident.
When I got home and listened to the hypnosis CD that comes with the book, I was blown away by the quality of it. Unlike most hypnosis CDs, McKenna uses some very powerful overdubbing techniques to send you into a altered state very quickly. He's also got one of the smoothest, most relaxing voices that I've ever heard.
To wrap things up, this book is a great read and the CD is fantastic. Even if you to pay full price for it, it's worth every penny.

I Can Make You Confident: The Power to Go for Anything You Want Overview

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28% Off Discounts: Best Price The Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your... Review

The Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your...

Are you looking to buy The Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your...? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your.... check out the link below:

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The Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your... Review

I received a teaching once that basicly said that when you get right down to it the Devil really only has two methods for tempting us: 1. Pressure 2. Pleasure. The Devil has three maxims which allows him to pull this off : 1. You (your own thoughts, bad habits, exc.) 2. The environment (Government, religious oppression, the systems of the world, exc.), and 3. Other people. Joyce Meyer's "Battlefield Of The Mind" is mostly geared at the one maxim each of us have the most control over (You, yourself, your thoughts, and YOU).
Joyce masterfully explains how that old Advesary The Devil works by waiting for the right moment (he`s not only a parasite but he`s also a predator). He waits to see where your weak, when your most vulnerable moment is, and he waits for that moment to attack. The Bible says "Resist the Devil and he will flee from you." Perfect example is Luke chapter 6, The devil waits for Jesus to be 40 days and nights in the wilderness before he attacks. He didn't come the first day to attack him when our Lord was at his strongest. Oh no, our advesary doesn't play fair; he bides his time and waits for your weakest moment and attacks. Jesus resisted him and the devil fled from him (for awhile). Best thing is we have victory through our risen Lord this very day if we claim it. Joyce does a great job of illustrating this in this book(though I don't know if she used the Luke example I used above or not).
I really got a lot of insight from this book. For example, one of the concepts in the book (in my own words) was "what comes out of your mouth had to originate in your brain." Sounds simple enough , but Joyce had a masterful way of describing every thought we commonly have today and referring it to biblical passages. About half way through the book I began to realize that the grumbling, griping, complaining, and various other human emotions and thoughts I have are not uncommon to our time. The children of Israel went through these same emotions and they are all recorded in Gods Word. I used to ponder how stupid these people must have been, but now I can see myself in them. It really was a humbling experience! Many of us make the same mistake over and over again and ask God, "Why don't you do something?" Truth is God has always been willing to help us. We are the ones who get in God's way by not bringing our thoughts into the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Read this book and find out how you can change and train your mind to shut the door on The Devil and how to allow God to do what he's always been willing to do. BLESS YOU!!!
Hebrews 13:5b "for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
P.S. This book comes in many formats. There's the traditional version, teen version, devotional version, exc. It doesn't matter which one you use. Just read one of them. You will be blessed.

The Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your... Overview

Worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger, and feelings of condemnation: all these are attacks on the mind. If you suffer from negative thoughts, take heart! Joyce Meyer has helped millions win these all important battlesand she can help you too. In her most popular bestseller ever, the beloved author and minister shows you how to change your life by changing your mind. She teaches you how to deal with thousands of thoughts you have every day and focus your mind to think the way God thinks. And she shares the trials, tragedies, and ultimate victories from her own marriage, family, and ministry that led her to wondrous, life-transforming truthand reveals her thoughts and feelings every step of the way.

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32% Off Discounts: Best Price Carnival of the Animals: Classical Music for Kids Review

Carnival of the Animals: Classical Music for Kids

Are you looking to buy Carnival of the Animals: Classical Music for Kids? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Carnival of the Animals: Classical Music for Kids. check out the link below:

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Carnival of the Animals: Classical Music for Kids Review

Completely enjoyed by our 2 year old and his parents. Pictures are absolutely beautiful. Having the CD is useful. Each of the 14 tracks has a beautifully illustrated 2 page spread, which makes it easy to follow the music - the book and music work very well together. The text, which is written in a perfectly simple and direct and short manner so as to render it very useful, helps the listener focus on different aspects of the music and appreciate the music by putting it in terms we could understand more easily (e.g. for the Lion's March - "the strings are playing the lion's marching tune as he walks...Sometimes he roars loudly. Can you hear the pianos playing the lion's roar?") Our toddler loves classical music but this is a great choice for any child or adult. The entire package - the CD, the format of the book, the pictures and the text - really make this a great way of experiencing the music and just a plain good old story.

Carnival of the Animals: Classical Music for Kids Overview

The animals are having a carnival, and the guests are arriving. There's the majestic lion, the braying mules, the dancing elephant, and the bouncy kangaroos. Even the fossils join in with a fast and rattly dance. Everyone is invited!Nearly 150 years ago, the composer Camille Saint-Saëns was asked by his pupils to write a musical joke for them. He wrote the Carnival of the Animals, a piece people enjoyed so much that it has now become one of Saint-Saëns's most famous works.This accessible commentary, in a picture-book format, helps children follow each section of Saint-Saëns's classic piece while they listen to the CD. Whimsical illustrations, a simple text, and evocative melodies create an ideal introduction for young children to the world of classical music.

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32% Off Discounts: Lowest Price Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open Review

Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open

Are you looking to buy Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open. check out the link below:

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Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open Review

I didn't title this review lightly to suggest: "This book changes your life". It truly does. Please recall a great movie you saw in the theater, and remember how you felt good, uplifted and excited afterwards. The movie produced that ecstatic feeling. What if you could feel the sameway all the time, and get two birds with a one stone by simultaneously fulfilling your dreams, improving your own life and becoming the person that you always wanted to be? Well, ultimately you will walk the talk.
When a friend suggested I purhcase this book; I felt sceptical. Thought there is nothing new under the sun - after all, I considered myself somewhat all-done dynamo when it concerns self-help literature. When the book arrived, I thought this is speaking of and refering to same things I am doing with creative visualization - so would it bring any benefits?
It proves out I was so mistaken. The book is more than I expected....and keeps bringing greater benefits into my life. The author's contemporary writing style feels like a friend who is visiting you, and talking to you in person.
It does not matter whether you are a professional or a beginner, this book is for everyone. And yes, you can hypnotize yourself for success, happiness and all good things with its guidance. And with eyes open there are several advantages. First of all, it is easy to stay focused. You are reading and imagining at the same time, so your mind does not wander around as much as with traditional creative visualization. Also, the author is a pro hypnotist and has carefully designed the techniques, for maximum effectiveness.
Let me tell you of my first experience with the method. After I had finished reading the introduction part, I followed the instructions for the first session. I started following instructions, and felt myself going into deep state of relaxation... My mind didn't wander around at all, and then something unbelievable happened. I felt tingles all over my body, not once, but twice. That has never happened with conventional creative visualization or meditation.
Also, during the first session, at one point, I had doubts whether I was really in deep state of hypnosis....but quickly continued with the method.. It was only after I had finished, 20 minutes later (it felt like 5 minutes)...that I realized it ACTUALLY worked. It truly felt rather like 5 minutes than all those 20 minutes it took.
I felt the same way as after the good movie I had seen, and that good feeling lasted for several hours.
After the initial work is done, the book provides many ready sessions -- you can choose which ones to use, or create your own. Also, I empowered this method by including some stuff from Neville Goddard's book "The Law And The Promise". It is a highly recommended companion to this book.
In short, the author Mr. Blair, has written a phenomenal book... I wonder why other professionals from this field have not recognized that you can self-hypnotize yourself eyes wide open -- and sometimes it can be more effective than anything.
I am not kidding you.. I have been doing creative visualization for past 6 years or so....and I honestly think the results I achieved through this book's instructions helped me to assume greater control over my own life.
This book gives you a superior tool for growth, and when combined with other self-help books you might enjoy, you get a powerful aide in creating a life that is everything you expect of life.
But there is a price to pay: you must do it, not once, or twice, but consistently. Your first results may or may not be as fantastic as mine, but it is like a muscle. There is a saying that implies: "As you train, so shall you fight". Your spiritual muscle will get stronger through practice, and in a little while you have gotten yourself a great tool.
I feel safe to recommend this book highly. Buy it... With the price of single pizza, you can get so much fun.. and life is supposed to be fun rather than dull.
Also, please consider buying "The Law and The Promise" - it is the best companion to this book. Godspeed!

Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open Overview

Hypnosis is a proven technique that allows people to reprogram their subconscious to change unwanted behaviors. Most books on self-hypnosis require the reader to memorize or record scripts, then put the book aside while they do their hypnosis work. But Instant Self-Hypnosis is the only self-hypnosis book that allows you to hypnotize yourself as you read, with your eyes wide open, without putting down the book.The author's fail-proof method allows you to put yourself into a hypnotic state and then use that state to improve your life in myriad ways. And because the hypnotic state is induced while you read, you remain aware of your surroundings and can bring yourself back to normal consciousness slowly and gently, using the instructions provided.

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32% Off Discounts: Best Buy for Frog and Toad CD Audio Collection Review

Frog and Toad CD Audio Collection

Are you looking to buy Frog and Toad CD Audio Collection? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Frog and Toad CD Audio Collection. check out the link below:

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Frog and Toad CD Audio Collection Review

I purchased this for our 5 year old son. He has truly enjoyed listening to the sweet stories of friendship. While we have the books, I agree with the other reviewer, you really do not have to read along to be entertained. We put the tape in our son's player and he listens while drifting off to sleep. Unlike some children's books on tape, this is done so well - the timing, clarity and voices keep your interest. This is a winner!!

Frog and Toad CD Audio Collection Overview

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28% Off Discounts: Best Price I Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People (Book and CD) Review

I Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People (Book and CD)

Are you looking to buy I Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People (Book and CD)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on I Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People (Book and CD). check out the link below:

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I Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People (Book and CD) Review

For almost 3 years now I have been handing this book and 'mind-reprogramming' CD to every patient who comes to me to lose weight, or who is caught up in the mentality of diets, scales, cravings, or overeating.
I am *delighted* that this version of "I Can Make You Thin" is finally available on Amazon.com rather than having to hunt it from the UK site. The long wait is over!
At the risk of making this book seem too simple, here are Paul McKenna's 4 golden rules...
1. When you are hungry, eat.
2. Eat what you want (not what you think you "should".)
3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful.
4. When you are full stop.
I've seen other "I Can Make You Thin" reviews that dismiss the 4 rules as just obvious common sense. I'm not sure what common sense they can really mean since the rules make a mockery of the majority of get thin / lose weight approaches around. Rule 2 in particular certainly disagrees with the 'common sense' that I was taught as a medical doctor.
Even if the rules are common sense, McKenna needs to be given great credit for showing people HOW to live these habits. Hopefully you are buying this for the results, not just to have a fun read and a relaxing, new-wavy listen.
Yes, the coverpages are a bit hypey, but the inside is less so. The book is refreshingly thin :), jargon-free, and entertaining.
McKenna's style also involves techniques such as tapping (TFT/EFT), hypnosis and NLP . Hypnosis is what first made Paul famous, and I've seen NLP Practitioners review this and say they knew all of these tricks before. In NLP terms Paul is saying that the Golden Rules are the "model" for being "naturally thin". Just knowing all the geewiz psych techniques won't help if you have the wrong model as I suspect most NLPers do.
More importantly, you don't need any of these techniques to apply the 4 golden rules and lose weight.
Most people can go the book & CD, discover the Aha moments, and get started on transforming their relationship with food and their weight straight away.
There might be a group of people that could eat according to the 4 rules and not be thin, but I agree with what Paul says. For myself, I'm yet to meet such a person.
I have counseled people who thought it didn't work for them, but it turned out they hadn't gotten the rules into their behavior, so here are some extra pointers...
- Just listening to the CD over and over doesn't seem to be enough. The book plays a big part too. Expect to re-read the book at least once. You can succeed without the CD, so if it doesn't suit you, no sweat.
- Don't add more rules. Extra rules almost always conflict with the four golden rules. Must eat breakfast? No. Just eat when you are hungry. Have to eat only fresh food? Check you really want to eat it, and whether you might want to eat anything else a bit more. Etc, etc.
- Having trouble visualizing? Just act 'as if' you are visualizing, or on the CD just leave it to Paul.
- Don't make exercise the focus. Improved fitness will improve your chances of living longer, but unfortunately the best research evidence is that exercise doesn't help much in losing weight. Keep to the four rules, which are all about food and getting back in control.
- If you have a question or a difficulty, the answer is somewhere in the book. The book alone truly is comprehensive (unlike watching YouTube videos or reading this review.) Indeed the updates have covered the two or three remaining gaps I had found before, including the extra information for self-sabotage issues.
In summary, McKenna is not the only person to propose this way of eating, but his is the most accessible version I know about. His is also the most likely to reach out from the page and permanently change your thinking and your behavior, and thereby your weight.
You can buy his measly book just to prove Paul wrong :)
Oh and then come back here and add your own review. Let people know what your results have been, whatever they are. No one book/CD can fit everyone but "I Can Make You Thin" deserves way more reviews here on Amazon from people just like you who have been wondering if this might just be what you need.
If this review helps, please click "YES" below.

I Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People (Book and CD) Overview

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34% Off Discounts: Best Buy for Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Review

Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8

Are you looking to buy Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8. check out the link below:

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Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Review

I am the mother of two boys, ages 3 and 5, I started to purchase audio cassettes to keep the boys quiet--for a least a few minutes -- on long car trips to grandmas house...over 2 hours away. The Magic Tree House Series has worked so well that the boys love to listen to them, over and over and over... even on short errands. The problem now, is, how do I get them out of the car?? The stories are delightful and have some historical/educational value, the vocabulary is not dummed down either. I find both boys discussing the "JAck and Annie" stories and role playing their favorite "scenes".

Magic Tree House Collection: Books 1-8 Overview

Dinosaurs Before Dark Jack and his younger sister, Annie, stumble upon a tree house filled with books. Before Jack and Annie can figure out the mystery of the tree house, it whisks them back to the prehistoric past. Now they have to figure out how to get home. Can they do it before dark, or will they be become a dinosaur's dinner?The Knight at Dawn Peacocks for dinner and boys in skirts. That's what Jack and Annie find when the Magic Tree House transports them back to the Middle Ages for another wild adventure. They find themselves in the middle of an enormous castle and can hear the beginnings of a feast under way in the Great Hall. But Jack and Annie aren't exactly welcome guests!Mummies in the Morning Jack and Annie don't need another mummy. But that's what they get when the Magic Tree House whisks them back to ancient Egypt after reading a book on the same subject. There they find themselves in a pyramid face to face with a long dead queen named Hutepi. Will Jack and Annie be able to help her, or will they end up as mummies themselves?Pirates Past Noon It's a veritable treasure trove of trouble when the Magic Tree House carries Jack and Annie back to the days of deserted islands, secret maps, and dangerous pirates! Will they discover the hidden buried treasure, or will they face the possibility of walking the plank? Night of the NinjasHave you ever met a real live ninja? Jack and Annie do when the Magic Tree House whisks them back to ancient Japan in search of enchantress Morgan le Fay. When they arrive, they find themselves in the cave of a ninja master. Will they learn the secrets of the ninja? Or will the evil samurai warriors get them first? Afternoon on the Amazon Vampire bats and killer ants? That's what Jack and Annie are about to run into when the Magic Tree House whisks them back in time to a South American Rain Forest in search of the elusive Morgan le Fay. It's not long before they get hopelessly lost on the Amazon River. Will they be able to find their way back to the tree house before they are trampled by stampeding killer ants?Sunset of the Sabertooth The Ice Age is very cool . . . for two kids in bathing suits! Jack and Annie nearly freeze when the Magic Tree House whisks them back into the time of cave people and woolly mammoths. But nothing can stop them from having another wild adventure–not even a sabertooth tiger!Midnight on the MoonThree . . . two . . . one . . . BLAST OFF! The Magic Tree House whisks Jack and Annie off to the moon–and the future. Their mission? To find the last "M" thing that will free Morgan from the spell. Can they do it before the air in their oxygen tank runs out? Will they mysterious moon man help them? And why is Peanut the mouse acting so strange?

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43% Off Discounts: Best Price An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness Review

An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness

Are you looking to buy An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness. check out the link below:

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An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness Review

Over the past 20 years I've had several friends who suffered from manic-depressive illnesses. It's abundantly clear to me that the disease is primarily biochemical and "not their fault." But I had trouble understanding why these people refused to take their medication (or stopped taking it after they started) and otherwise engaged in massive denial. Jamison's frank and well-written book was a revelation: now I feel I have a better sense of the seductiveness of mania, and why creative, intelligent people are often willing to risk the lows of their illness for the sake of the highs. As Jamison points out emphatically, however, the long-term effects of bipolar disorder can be devastating mentally and physically (not to mention the financial and personal fallout) -- hence her crusade to understand the basis of the illness, and learn how to fine-tune the medication so that the sufferer achieves equilibrium without deadening the sensitivity and creativity that often accompany this disease. I'd already read "Night Falls Fast," which is also excellent, but this book set out the personal story behind Jamison's research interests. While she insists that love alone won't cure the disease, it's also clear that, without the love of her loyal friends, this intelligent, talented, and articulate woman might never have made it through the more difficult years, let alone become a respected authority in her profession. Anyone who suffers from bipolar disorders, and those who love them, should read this book.

An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness Overview

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Lowest Price The Flight of the Century : Charles Lindbergh and the Rise of American Aviation (Pivotal Moments in American History) Review

The Flight of the Century : Charles Lindbergh and the Rise of American Aviation (Pivotal Moments in American History)

Are you looking to buy The Flight of the Century : Charles Lindbergh and the Rise of American Aviation (Pivotal Moments in American History)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Flight of the Century : Charles Lindbergh and the Rise of American Aviation (Pivotal Moments in American History). check out the link below:

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The Flight of the Century : Charles Lindbergh and the Rise of American Aviation (Pivotal Moments in American History) Review

`Flight of the Century' does an excellent job of examining the effect, the how and why and importance of both Charles Lindbergh and what his flight across the Atlantic in the Spirit of St. Louis meant. The flaws of the man and of the American press are not missed. Lindbergh's lack of empathy, aloofness and irritation with journalists and public intrusion on his privacy are acknowledged in many instances.
This truly tells the tale of the beginnings of American aviation and of world wide celebrity. The flight itself is documented, especially Lindberg's connection with the Spirit of St. Louis is shown in how, even though his flight was solo, he constantly referred to it as We- his plane was his partner. Lindbergh's diplomatic triumph in Paris upon landing and in Mexico during one of his tours where he erased the stigma of anti-US resentment, resulting in the solving of a 10 year old oil controversy are well documented. He is given credit for many cities building air strips and popularizing flying. During his tour of the US more than 40% of the population saw him and most changed their minds in favor of aviation. His help in building the civilian aviation industry of America is examined.
His boyish good looks and the fact he was a solo hero, showing courage and even better, the fact he was a 'country' boy all contributed to the world wide infatuation with him and then with his wife Anne. The kidnapping of his son and the son's death and the effect on Anne and their relationship is covered
The book's introduction does a credible job in summing up his celebrity and the reason so many powerful men took him under their wing. An epilogue sums up his life from his escape from the US after his son's death and his fall from grace in the support of Germany and its' racist policies. His sternness with his children and his musings in his posthumous book `Autobiography of Values' on life, race and conservation are included.
This is a volume that does a wonderful job in analyzing the man from his boyhood to the height of his fame, his era and the beginning of the aeronautical age. It would be of interest as well to anyone who wishes to learn more of this period of American history or who enjoys a penetrating biography.

The Flight of the Century : Charles Lindbergh and the Rise of American Aviation (Pivotal Moments in American History) Overview

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43% Off Discounts: Special Prices for SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper Review

SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper

Are you looking to buy SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper. check out the link below:

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SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper Review

I was honored to get a pre-release copy of this book and I was very excited to read it. Then I read the news a couple of days later that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. Killed by SEALs from Team Six! Damn, now I could not wait to get my hands on this book! Talk about great timing.
This book is the memoir of Howard Wasdin, a sniper from SEAL Team Six, and co-authored by Stephen Templin, who met Howard when the two of them were going through BUD/S training together. While neither of the authors were on Team Six at the time of the OBL takedown, the book does give an excellent account of SEAL training and is one of the few books that actually talks about SEAL Team Six, which is an elite team inside the already incredibly elite world of the Navy SEALs.
The book is very exciting, written well, and gives in-depth accounts of Wasdins childhood. You can feel the pain he goes through at the hands of an abusive step-father. While that is a bad situation, you can see how Wasdin internalizes that pain and suffering and uses it to help him get through BUD/S training, which is hands-down the toughest training on this planet.
The chapter titled "The only easy day was yesterday" tells about a portion of Wasdin's time at BUD/S training. It goes into details about the rigorous training but can only cover some of it because the training is so intense and varied that it takes whole books to even come close to detailing it. If you are interested I highly recommend The Warrior Elite: The Forging of SEAL Class 228 and The Finishing School: Earning the Navy SEAL Trident by Dick Couch. Those two books will give you an inside look into what it takes to become a Navy SEAL. After you read them you will never again question the dedication that these men have and you will be humbled in their presence because they are pretty amazing people.
Wasdin walks us through his Navy career, tells about his time in SEAL Team Two, and how he tested and interviewed to become a member of Team Six. It then goes on to give detailed accounts of his time at Marine Corp Sniper school, almost too much detail because the "deer tic" story is a visual I could have lived without. But I Guess that is something you never really think about when you are crawling into position to take a shot. Taking hours to crawl a hundred yards has got to be intense, when even the slightest movement can be picked up by the enemy. It is just another look into the intensity and dedication these professional operators have.
This book kept my attention from cover to cover, but the sections on Somalia were especially riveting. Wasdin was a key member in the Battle of Mogadishu which many of you know from the book Black Hawk Down and the movie by the same name. In this intense battle he was shot three times, almost losing a leg, but as a testament to his professionalism and training he continues to fight to save his fellow warriors.
The book wraps up with a few chapters detailing his recovery and re-insertion back into civilian life. He also tells how he finally came to peace with his retirement from the SEALs and has been guided into doing what he feels he is destined to do, helping others. I highly recommend this book.
Another great book you will enjoy is Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell which details Operation Redwing in Afghanistan. Another amazing book.

SEAL Team Six: Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper Overview

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45% Off Discounts: Lowest Price On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft Review

On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft

Are you looking to buy On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft. check out the link below:

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On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft Review

For the legions of Stephen King fans out there (which is to say a lot), the first third of the book containing his short memoir is truly a gift. One can't help wanting to read about his/her favorite writer after being transported to fantastic worlds countless times in Mr. King's prolific career. Some fans would have paid... gladly for the first 101 pages of the memoir ("C.V." he calls it), which includes heartfelt tidbits about his brother, mother and his long battles with alcohol and drug addiction.
The second part, "On Writing," is where the aspiring novelists will find inspiration. Assuming you're a serious writer (or wanting to be a published one), you'd no doubt would have read the countless manuals on the mechanics of writing. With Mr. King, you do get short lessons in the mechanics of prose here and there. What he mostly offers to the aspiring writer is the inspiration, the cheerleading, and as some have already suggested, after reading it makes you want to sit and write something. He actually allows you into his writing routine, when and where he writes, how many months it takes to write the first draft, and even how he goes about editing the second draft.
Some very original thoughts I found quite interesting:
1. Story is a fossil you find on the ground, and you gradually dig it out slowly.
2. He doesn't plot his stories. He puts "a group of characters in some sort of predicament and then watch them try to work themselves free." In fact he even goes as far as to say, "plot is shift, and best kept under house arrest."
3. Write first draft with the "door" closed, and the second draft with it open.
There are truly gems here for writers, simple, direct, to the point. As always, he doesn't talk down to you. There is even advice on finding agents.
The final section elaborates his near-death experience in summer of 1999, when he was hit by a van driven by Bryan Smith. The book is actually a sandwich: two slices of autobigraphy with the writing advice as the meat of the book.
Though the thin volume was not your edge-of-the-seat thriller or horror, I found myself reading the darn thing in one seating. A pretty good deal for a non-fiction book. This may sound funny, too, but I felt like the book became a good friend of mine. In a word, this is book is intimate. As a fan, and perhaps a writer, that might be worth something.

On Writing: 10th Anniversary Edition: A Memoir of the Craft Overview

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Buy Cheap Man's Search for Meaning Review

Man's Search for Meaning

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Man's Search for Meaning Review

The first section of this book (which makes up over half of the text) consist of Victor Frankl's account of his experiences in the concentration camp. This section seems unique among the Holocaust accounts that I've seen and read because Dr. Frankl approaches the topic from a psychological perspective. He discusses the ways in which the different prisoners react to their (note: men and women were seperated at the camps, so Frankl is mainly disscussing his experiences with the men in Auschwitz) imprissonment. He writes about the psychological effects of being completely dehumanized; of losing even your name, and becoming simply a number. Also he disscusses the effects of not being able to contact loved ones, or even know is they are still living. Another issue that Dr. Frankl talks about in this book is the idea that none of the prisoners of the concentration camp had an idea as to when there imprissonment would end (if ever). Thus, they were faced with the thought of living the rest of their lives as workers at the camps. Dr. Frankl discusses how people can find meaning to life in these conditions. He also describes how finding meaning in life, or a reason to live, was extraordinarilly important to surviving the camp.
One of the most interesting, and disturbing, issues in the book was the idea of the Capo. These were were people put in charge of their fellow prisoners, in order to keep them in line. Dr. Frankl describes these people as, often, being more harsh than the actual guards. This seems to be a disturbing lesson in the abuse of power. This also goes along with Dr. Frankl's discussion of how the camps brought out the true personality of the people within it (after all the social trapping had been stripped away): The cretins, the saints, and all of those in between.
The second half of the book is made up of two sections "Logotherapy in a Nutshell," and "The Case for Tragic Optimsism." These two sections basically describe Dr. Frankl's theory on as to how to conduct therapy (Logotherapy). The idea behind this therapy is that man is driven by his search for a meaning in life. This differs from the psychoanalysis perspective (driven, at this time, by the ideas of Sigmund Freud) in that the psychoanalytic school believed that humans were driven by their unconscious desires. For Frankl, the need for meaning seems to outway the unconscious. In fact, he goes into detail about the negative effects that the abscence of meaning, or what he calls the "existential Vacuum," has on people. To illustrate many ideas, he often uses his experiences in the concentration camps, as well as various cases for treatment (which help to solidify his view of life, and therapy).
I would recomend this book to almost anybody. I feel that it's interesting, and worthwhile. I would especially recomend this to people interested in psychology, as well as those who wish to learn something about the experiences within the concentration camps.

Man's Search for Meaning Overview

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Lowest Price Do Tampons Take Your Virginity? A Catholic Girl's Memoir Review

Do Tampons Take Your Virginity A Catholic Girl's Memoir

Are you looking to buy Do Tampons Take Your Virginity A Catholic Girl's Memoir? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Do Tampons Take Your Virginity A Catholic Girl's Memoir. check out the link below:

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Do Tampons Take Your Virginity A Catholic Girl's Memoir Review

Do Tampons Take Your Virginity?A Catholic Girl's Memoir by Marie Simas is a bittersweet account of her childhood and teenage years by the author. When I first started reading this book, I thought that it was going to be a light-hearted account about growing up in a Portuguese Catholic family. I thought that it might be harsh on the Catholic Church. But it isn't really so much about the Church, but rather about the fears and hypocrisies about some people living under Church doctrine, and old world Portuguese values.
Simas grew up in a brutally violent home. Her father was abusive. The father continually rapes the mother -- even while she's dying of cancer. Because Marie simply doesn't accept her father's brutality towards herself or her mother, he beats her with a belt on a regular basis.
What I like about Marie is that while she couldn't escape the beatings, she refused to meekly accept it. She was always rebellious. She became so desperate for love, however, that despite both parents warning her about sex, when she is fifteen she loses her virginity to the first boy who pays any attention to her. She misinterprets his physical affection as real love and believes that he will take her away from her "miserable family." When he goes away and a few days later she realizes that she probably won't hear from him again. Simas touchingly recalls:
"That night, I fell asleep as soon as it got dark outside. The sun set on my adolescence. Though I had experienced severe beatings, threats, and almost constant fear, nothing could compare to the pain I felt from lost love."
The father's abuse and her first lover's rejection affected Marie's future relationships with men profoundly. She becomes a "user" of men -- something that she is not proud of today. She wanted to hurt men as they had hurt her -- even nice men who actually cared for her. While Marie harshly judges those around her, she is equally hard on herself. She is just being honest.
Things I don't like? Well, I don't really like the title -- it might make some people curious but might turn some potential readers off. The book is divided into short chapters that make the narrative seem a bit choppy instead of flowing into each other as a cohesive whole.
I may not agree with everything the author says, but I definitely understand where she is coming from. I have a feeling that this book was a catharsis for the author; a way of exorcising her demons -- her anger and despair. She also has a mordant sense of humor that probably saved her life. You may find yourself crying one minute and laughing the next.
This book is brutally honest. Be prepared. There is marital rape, brutal child abuse, and strong sexuality.

Do Tampons Take Your Virginity A Catholic Girl's Memoir Overview

The intensity of Marie Simas's father's reactions to her head-strong behavior is so often disturbing, it borders on horrific abuse. Yet, she is irrepressible. Read it. Get it. You won't regret it. --Carol Leonard, Author of Lady's Hands, Lion's HeartA most entertaining collection of childhood stories that will both shock and delight you. --Patricia Fry, Author and EditorDescription: Do Tampons Take Your Virginity? is a memoir about what happens when you grow up in an insane Catholic family. Surprisingly funny, the author's candid writing exposes the endurance it takes to survive a stifling, oppressive upbringing. It's an emotional roller coaster from start to finish. Each essay is written in sharp episodic chapters to mimic the author's real experiences, which range from brutal to hilarious, and everything in between. This memoir shouldn't be missed!

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40% Off Discounts: Purchase Cheap Feynman Review


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Feynman Review

"Feynman" is a completely captivating look at the strange and wonderful late physicist Richard Feynman. I have been reading lots of Jim Ottaviani lately, and this is by far the best. His collaboration with graphic artist Leland Myrick has produced a level of storytelling that is clear, entertaining and informative. "Feynman" operates at the level of what all graphic novels should aspire to be.
The book takes us through Feynman's early years. It was poignant to see him struggle to feed scientific books to his little sister Joan, in a day when little girls weren't supposed to want to be scientists. We see a puckish Feynman at Los Alamos during the war, and his loving efforts to tend to his ailing wife. After the war, we see him developing his theories of Quantum Electrodynamics and win a Nobel. His efforts to clarify the causes of the Challenger disaster - famously dipping O-ring material into a glass of cold water -- get the coverage they deserve. Only in the last pages does the narrative falter. Feynman's final trial with illness and death are barely shown.
The famous Feynman personality comes across very well in these pages. He is the smirking warrior, sneaking in and out of the Los Alamos compound through a hole in the fence that the military insisted did not exist. His brilliance is more than hinted at. He develops a notation to help him with his quantum calculations. The book is even not afraid to show him as somewhat of a kook and horn dog, ogling pretty coeds, hanging out in hot tubs at Esalen and doing his research in a strip club. The man was unstoppable and inscrutable.
Some of the sciencey sections of the book may be too much. It's hard to tell whether Ottaviani and Myrick got carried away by certain esoteric aspects of quantum theory, or whether they were trying to show that Feynman's genius reached staggering heights. But these sections are brief. Enough to known that Feynman would go toe to toe with the great minds of his time - Bohr, Einstein and Fermi.
"Feynman" is a loving look at the life story of a man whose brilliance shone clarifying light into some murky corners. A wonderful read - the rare graphic novel I'd rate as a 6 if I could!

Feynman Overview

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34% Off Discounts: Buy Cheap Where You Left Me Review

Where You Left Me

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Where You Left Me Review

a touching tribute to her late first husband, Jennifer Gardner Trulson's account of loss and new love is touching, poignant, and relatable. i recommend it for anyone who likes a phoenix-from-the-ashes story.

Where You Left Me Overview

Lucky—that's how Jenniferwould describe herself. She had a successful law career, met the loveof her life in Doug, married him, had an apartment in New York City, ahouse in the Hamptons, two beautiful children, and was still madly inlove after nearly seven years of marriage. Jennifer was living the kindof idyllic life that clichés are made of.Until Doug was killedin the attacks on the World Trade Center, and she became a widow at agethirty-five—a "9/11 widow," no less, a member of a select group bound bysorrow, of which she wanted no part. Though completely devastated,Jennifer still considered herself blessed. Doug had loved her enough tolast her a lifetime, and after his sudden death, she was done with theidea of romantic love—fully resigned to being a widowed single mother . .. until a chance encounter with a gregarious stranger changedeverything. Without a clue how to handle this unexpected turn of events,Jennifer faced the question asked by anyone who has ever lost a lovedone: Is it really possible to feel joy again, let alone love?Withunvarnished emotion and clear-eyed sardonic humor, Jennifer tells anordinary woman's extraordinary tale of unimaginable loss, resilience,friendship, love, and healing—which is also New York City's narrative inthe wake of September 11. Where You Left Me is an unlikely love story, aquintessentially New York story—at once Jennifer's tribute to the citythat gave her everything and proof that second chances are possible.

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Lowest Price Three Cups of Deceit: How Greg Mortenson, Humanitarian Hero, Lost His Way (Kindle Single) Review

Three Cups of Deceit: How Greg Mortenson, Humanitarian Hero, Lost His Way (Kindle Single)

Are you looking to buy Three Cups of Deceit: How Greg Mortenson, Humanitarian Hero, Lost His Way (Kindle Single)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Three Cups of Deceit: How Greg Mortenson, Humanitarian Hero, Lost His Way (Kindle Single). check out the link below:

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Three Cups of Deceit: How Greg Mortenson, Humanitarian Hero, Lost His Way (Kindle Single) Review

In February, I embedded with the 101st Airborne division in Kandahar province to research a novel. I wound up writing my own Kindle Single, "Lost in Kandahar," about the obstacles our soldiers faced in fighting the Taliban. One reviewer wrote that that the piece offered a very different perspective on Afghanistan than "Three Cups of Tea." Now, unfortunately, I understand why. In this thoroughly researched piece, Jon Krakauer exposes Greg Mortenson as a terrible charlatan.
According to dozens of people who spoke to Krakauer, most of whom are quoted by name, Mortenson lied about the origins of his school-building project, lied about the number of schools he's built, lied about how much time he spends in Afghanistan, lied about his financial relationship with his charity, lied about how much he pays himself, lied about his "kidnapping" in 1996, and even lied about the fact that schools are mainly in relatively peaceful parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan. There are probably a few other lies I've forgotten. For his own ego and financial gain, Mortenson took advantage of the goodwill of donors in America and all over the world.
As Krakauer points out, we are so desperate for good news out of Afghanistan that we latched onto Mortenson's story despite some of its obvious flaws (the Taliban didn't really exist in Pakistan in 1996, for example). Mortenson's efforts to defend himself at this point are pathetic, and if he is smart - and wants to avoid a criminal indictment - he will come clean and then slink away, never to be seen or heard again. And hopefully, the rest of us will be a little wiser the next time a Pied Piper comes along promising to solve the world's ills -- for just a few bucks down!
Lost in Kandahar (Kindle Single)

Three Cups of Deceit: How Greg Mortenson, Humanitarian Hero, Lost His Way (Kindle Single) Overview

Greg Mortenson has built a global reputation as a selfless humanitarian and children's crusader, and he's been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. He is also not what he appears to be. As acclaimed author Jon Krakauer discovered, Mortenson has not only fabricated substantial parts of his bestselling books Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools, but has also misused millions of dollars donated by unsuspecting admirers like Krakauer himself.This is the tragic tale of good intentions gone very wrong.100% of Jon Krakauer's proceeds from the sale of Three Cups of Deceit will be donated to the "Stop Girl Trafficking" project at the American Himalayan Foundation (www.himalayanfoundation.org/live/project/stopgirltrafficking).

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Lowest Price A Child Called It: One Child's Courage to Survive Review

A Child Called It: One Child's Courage to Survive

Are you looking to buy A Child Called It: One Child's Courage to Survive? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on A Child Called It: One Child's Courage to Survive. check out the link below:

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A Child Called It: One Child's Courage to Survive Review

A Child Called "It" is a real life story about a boy who was brutally beaten and starved by his mentally disturbed and alcoholic mother. At first, David Pelzer lived a healthy and normal life with his parents and brothers. His mother, however, unexpectedly transformed into a monster, venting her anger on her helpless child. David was submerged in freezing cold water, forced to eat his own vomit, slept in the basement under the stairs, stabbed, and forced to sit on a burning stove. These are just a few of the torturous games that his mother used to play. She treated him not like her son, but like an "it". David suffered both mental and physical abuse. In order to survive from his mother's sick games, David used willpower. Through all of her torturous games, David's inner strength began to emerge.
This book is a perfect example of how the human spirit can provide strength in the toughest of situations. David's spirit helped him to survive through his mother's emotional and physical abuse. He refused to let his mother win. He had no one to help him so he learned how to fend for himself. His courage and determination saved him from all of the suffering that he endured at such a young age.
David is a living testament of resilience. His faith and personal responsibility helped him transform into an emotionally healthy and competent adult. A large percentage of emotionally and physically abused children become abusive in their adult years. The abusiveness could be a cycle, passed down from generation to generation. Their rage and pain of being abused could be turned on themselves or the ones they love. David, at a young age, showed strong signs of being a planner as well as a problem solver. These character traits, along with caring adults (nurses, teachers, social workers, etc.), help him to become resilient. David's inner strength helped him turn shame into pride and rejection into acceptance. A Child Called "It" sends an inspirational message of resilience and the human spirit. A person has the ability to leave their dark past and look forward to a better tomorrow. If David Pelter could do it than anyone can!

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Buy Cheap Decision Points Review

Decision Points

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Decision Points Review

So first off I'm pretty left. I didn't buy this book with the intention of hating President Bush. In fact despite the policy problems and the damage to the economy under his administration I don't "hate" him or anyone.
So with that being said I found it nice to gain a personal perspective with a person who is challenged daily with decisions the average person couldn't fathom. What makes this man and his mind work? Why did he make choices that made me so angry? Why did the press constantly berate him regardless of what he did? These things I wanted answers on and I got them in this book.
There are many things that none of us ever hear about and those things were better clarified here. I can understand the challenges the man faced and from a historical perspective I actually feel I've learned a lot about the way the upper ranks of US Government act in the present day. I've seen some comments on here about not telling the truth and whatnot but feel those are from left wing fanatics that just cant open their mind to the truth that a president is a human.
The writing at times is somewhat childish but I'm also happy it's not over the wall in a "Rhodes Scholar" kind of way. It's in a basic story telling format with dips and dives into major events that we all know about by now if we've bothered to buy this book. I'm happy that it's not a bang on the drums Republican story that tries to shove ideals down my throat. In fact it's simply this man sharing what he feels and why he did what he did. I was particularly drawn to the Stem Cell chapter because I followed that closely when it happened and always felt the president was lambasted for the press, the Democratic party, and the bloggers benefit.
This tells me a lot of what I already know about the current political climate and the way people are so polarized. It clears up many lies from the media that I knew were lies as they graced the TV on various channels. It also clarifies the truths that I knew and the reason I didn't vote for him.
Either way it's good to crawl inside the mind of a president for a few hours and understand what makes them tick.

Decision Points Overview

President George W. Bush describes the critical decisions of his presidency and personal life. Decision Points is the extraordinary memoir of America's 43rd president. Shattering the conventions of political autobiography, George W. Bush offers a strikingly candid journey through the defining decisions of his life. In gripping, never-before-heard detail, President Bush brings readers inside the Texas Governor's Mansion on the night of the hotly contested 2000 election; aboard Air Force One on 9/11, in the hours after America's most devastating attack since Pearl Harbor; at the head of the table in the Situation Room in the moments before launching the war in Iraq; and behind the Oval Office desk for his historic and controversial decisions on the financial crisis, Hurricane Katrina, Afghanistan, Iran, and other issues that have shaped the first decade of the 21st century. President Bush writes honestly and directly about his flaws and mistakes, as well as his accomplishments reforming education, treating HIV/AIDS in Africa, and safeguarding the country amid chilling warnings of additional terrorist attacks. He also offers intimate new details on his decision to quit drinking, discovery of faith, and relationship with his family. A groundbreaking new brand of memoir, Decision Points will captivate supporters, surprise critics, and change perspectives on one of the most consequential eras in American history - and the man at the center of events.

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Best Price The $64 Tomato: How One Man Nearly Lost His Sanity, Spent a Fortune, and Endured an Existential Crisis in the Quest for the Perfect Garden Review

The $64 Tomato: How One Man Nearly Lost His Sanity, Spent a Fortune, and Endured an Existential Crisis in the Quest for the Perfect Garden

Are you looking to buy The $64 Tomato: How One Man Nearly Lost His Sanity, Spent a Fortune, and Endured an Existential Crisis in the Quest for the Perfect Garden? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The $64 Tomato: How One Man Nearly Lost His Sanity, Spent a Fortune, and Endured an Existential Crisis in the Quest for the Perfect Garden. check out the link below:

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The $64 Tomato: How One Man Nearly Lost His Sanity, Spent a Fortune, and Endured an Existential Crisis in the Quest for the Perfect Garden Review

Working all day at a nearby research institute, sometimes Bill Alexander would have to gird his loins when he came home at sundown and still had all his gardening to do. He and his physician wife owned a patch of land neighboring boys used as a baseball field, but Alexander always had weekend dreams of turning it into a combination orchard and flower garden. Under the direction of a comically sketched landscape designer, he made his dreams come true, despite the skepticism of his sitcom-like kids, a teen girl and a slacker boy named Zach, characterized as living in a dank room filled with unwashed laundry. The kids don't really care--on the outside; but inside their hearts swell with pride as their dear old dad tames a recalcitrant patch of land into a Robert Creeley like garden of which Elizabeth Lawrence might have been proud.
His wife likes it too. Digging in the garden is like horticultural Viagra, and when he really gets going he rushes into the house and grabs her. "By the time I was done, I felt strangely, strongly aroused. That night, the smell of pollen still fresh in my nostrils, I made passionate, urgent love to my mystified (but appreciative) wife." When I was a teen, we called this "TMI"--too much information--but it's a nice reminder of the benefits of married life.
There's a sinister side to gardening as well, as befits a hobby so elemental, and Alexander meets a strange contractor with a bizarre resemblance to Christopher Walken. Elsewhere he characterizes his battle with squirrels as "like living Hitchcock's THE BIRDS, only with squirrels."
Alexander is not what you'd call an outstanding writer, and some of his sentences bunch themselves up like caterpillars, but at his best he provides an insight into the myriad reasons men like to garden, and as a bonus he has a graceful way of inserting potted history lessons into his anecdotes. Discussing how difficult it is to grow apples organically in the northeast, he manages to bring in both Johnny Appleseed and his own horticultural hero, Thomas Jefferson. Did you know that St. Francis of Assisi was the one who first staged the now popular nativity creche scenes, and that he used actual animals to play the sheep, donkeys and lambs? And Alexander also can turn a poetic phrase: the first apple trees to bloom become "a merry explosion of pink and white popcorn."
Finally, you'll laugh hearing about his father's ways with growing apples that bore little labels bleached into their skins, so that neighbors and relatives could have their own personalized apples, the "local community's version of being invited to Truman Capote's Black and White Ball."

The $64 Tomato: How One Man Nearly Lost His Sanity, Spent a Fortune, and Endured an Existential Crisis in the Quest for the Perfect Garden Overview

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Best Buy for I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 Review

I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59

Are you looking to buy I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59. check out the link below:

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I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 Review

To be honest, I wasnt sure of what to expect from this book. The review copy arrived at the same time I got my hands on two other Google books- In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives and The Googlization of Everything: (And Why We Should Worry). Both of those books are serious takes on different elements of Google. I wasn't really sure where "I'm feeling lucky" would fit in.
I was pleasantly surprised then to see it as a refreshingly unique and non-techie/non-geeky take on Google by a marketing guy who hit upon his motherlode with what was then yet another tech startup from the valley. Douglas Edwards, a marketing guy from the Valley who gets into Google without knowing much about the technology or where it would take him, makes an interesting person's eyes to view Google from.
There is some amount of technology covered here but more of the Dummies style where the author assumes the reader knows nothing. There is also a fish out of water element pervasive throughout the book that is alternatively funny and overdone. The other fun part about the book is the plethora of anecdotes from Google's early days from an insider. Some of these nuggets give a human tone to the massive entity that is Google. Some of the otherwise unknown and background characters from the early days of Google get their share of their limelight here. As someone who has read every decent book on Google out there, I came to know of quite a few such early day champions from Google.
Geeks might not find a whole lot of new stuff here but I liked the book for what it tries to be- an non-engineering insiders view of Google. Its fun and worth a read.

I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59 Overview

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Buy Cheap Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 Review

Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10

Are you looking to buy Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10. check out the link below:

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Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 Review

This book takes you inside the Navy SEALs training program in Coronado. You are with Marcus Luttrell throughout BUD/S and Hell Week. You fly with him and his teammates in a C-130 to the Hindu Kush, where the hunt begins for bin Laden's right-hand man. But then it all goes terribly wrong, up there in the mountains of Afghanistan.
This book, written by Patrick Robinson, reads like a fast-paced thriller, told in Marcus's understated voice. It is a rivetting, important, sad story of lost friends, valor, courage and the intricacies of modern war. It is an important book, destined to become an American classic.

Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10 Overview

On a clear night in late June 2005, four U.S. Navy SEALs left their base in northern Afghanistan for the mountainous Pakistani border. Their mission was to capture or kill a notorious al Qaeda leader known to be ensconced in a Taliban stronghold surrounded by a small but heavily armed force. Less then twenty-four hours later, only one of those Navy SEALs remained alive. This is the story of fire team leader Marcus Luttrell, the sole survivor of Operation Redwing, and the desperate battle in the mountains that led, ultimately, to the largest loss of life in Navy SEAL history. But it is also, more than anything, the story of his teammates, who fought ferociously beside him until he was the last one left-blasted unconscious by a rocket grenade, blown over a cliff, but still armed and still breathing. Over the next four days, badly injured and presumed dead, Luttrell fought off six al Qaeda assassins who were sent to finish him, then crawled for seven miles through the mountains before he was taken in by a Pashtun tribe, who risked everything to protect him from the encircling Taliban killers. A six-foot-five-inch Texan, Leading Petty Officer Luttrell takes us, blow-by-blow, through the brutal training of America's warrior elite and the relentless rites of passage required by the Navy SEALs. He transports us to a monstrous battle fought in the desolate peaks of Afghanistan, where the beleaguered American team plummeted headlong a thousand feet down a mountain as they fought back through flying shale and rocks. In this rich , moving chronicle of courage, honor, and patriotism, Marcus Luttrell delivers one of the most powerful narratives ever written about modern warfare-and a tribute to his teammates, who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

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Lowest Price Hard Sell: Now a Major Motion Picture LOVE and OTHER DRUGS Review

Hard Sell: Now a Major Motion Picture LOVE and OTHER DRUGS

Are you looking to buy Hard Sell: Now a Major Motion Picture LOVE and OTHER DRUGS? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Hard Sell: Now a Major Motion Picture LOVE and OTHER DRUGS. check out the link below:

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Hard Sell: Now a Major Motion Picture LOVE and OTHER DRUGS Review

A really fun read and wild ride through the life a pharmaceutical salesman. Although the movie does not follow the book exactly, the commonality between Jake Gyllenhaal's role in "Love and Other Drugs" and Jamie Reidy's main character in "Hard Sell" do parallel one another fairly closely. Please read the book then go watch the movie! You won't be disappointed!

Hard Sell: Now a Major Motion Picture LOVE and OTHER DRUGS Overview

Jamie Reidy is the guy who's been there, done that, and walked away with the insider stories. Inside Hard Sell: Now a Major Motion Picture LOVE and OTHER DRUGS, you'll find yourself rooting for Reidy and shocked by the realities of the world that paid his salary.

This comedic expose traces Reidy's experiences from Pfizer training to life as the V-Man, when Reidy became Pfizer's number-one drug rep during the Viagra craze. With equal parts self-confidence and self-mockery, Reidy takes the reader on a hilarious romp through pharma-culture while revealing the controversial side of the drug industry. From viewing a circumcision to gaining a doctor's rapport to providing insight on why doctors choose to prescribe Drug X over Drug Y, and from how to bargain sigs and scripts to why the Viagra pill is shaped as a diamond, Reidy discloses everything.

A witty, behind-the-scenes look at an industry that touches everyone in America with a prescription, Hard Sell uncovers truths about the pharmaceutical industry you'd rather not know and practices you'd like to believe weren't employed.

Hard Sell has been adapted into a major motion picture starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway.

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Best Buy for Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion Review

Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion

Are you looking to buy Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion. check out the link below:

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Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion Review

The three chapters about Lisa McPherson in this book pretty much sum up what is wrong with scientology.
The story of Lisa will tear your heart out. But it will also show you an example, if an extreme one, of an organization based on lies, taking advantage of others and itself being highly dangerous.
Lisa died receiving what organized scientology called "The Introspection Rundown".
In the book Janet Reitman tells of scientology's founder L Ron Hubbard announcing this rundown as a cure for the last unsolvable mental condition "the psychotic break". As quoted from Hubbard in Janet's book: "'I have made a technical breakthrough which possibly ranks with the major discoveries of the Twentieth Century,' he proclaimed in a bulletin dated November 24, 1973. 'THIS MEANS THE LAST REASON TO HAVE PSYCHIATRY AROUND IS GONE'."
Who is Hubbard to make such a "breakthrough"? The point is not whether the introspection rundown should have been two days or seventeen days as is argued by true believers in Hubbard's "technology". The point is this "tech" was written by a man with zero credentials in the field of mental health, who was an academic fraud, who abused people on a wholesale basis and who ripped off many millions from the proceeds of scientology while countless staff were cash starved and countless public were financially ruined.
In every way organized scientology destroyed a beautiful, young woman and took advantage of her for her money. It was completely incompetent without a technology to truly help others. And then it covers up what in my opinion is serious crime knowingly and willingly so that justice even to this day will never be done. It hides evidence and people from investigating authorities and then attacks the investigators brutally and continually.
This organization is built on a foundation of lies. It lies about its founder and its so-called "tech". There are countless examples of this in this book.
To exist it constantly must lie about what it is as one person and family after another is devoured for worldly gain.
And now organized scientology is using its myriad of "secular", benign-sounding front groups to penetrate our schools, businesses, mental health and other sectors of society with their "tech", pretending it is not 100% controlled by organized scientology.
This book is a vital piece of well written information that should be read by millions in order to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Inside Scientology: The Story of America's Most Secretive Religion Overview

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44% Off Discounts: Best Price Just Kids Review

Just Kids

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Just Kids Review

Before she became the Godmother of Punk, Patti Smith was just some girl who came to New York in search of herself. We have a tendency to view her as always having been a rebel, guitar in hand, spouting her distinctive mix of poetry and invective at society. But the reality was that Smith came to New York as a refugee, uncertain of who she was and what she wanted to be. That's sometimes a bit hard to believe or realize, but in "Just Kids" Smith reveals just that: she wasn't one half as confident then as she is now, and that she had no idea what she was going to do once she arrived in New York. While this is true of almost everyone from her generation, it is somehow shocking and bizarre to ponder. More interesting was that her first lover and partner in New York was none other than future photographer Robert Mapplethorpe. The bulk of "Just Kids" is Smith's recollection of Smith's early years in New York with Mapplethorpe and how they came to create their own image as artists and autuers and to craft their image and art. Again, it seems weird to think of either of them as being anything other than fully formed individuals, and that, in and of itself, seems supremely bizarre. We seldom think of the intervening events that came to create them as artists, yet here is Patti Smith lying bare exactly how she came to be what she became. The result is a fascinating and spellbinding narrative that you can scarcely set down. Ultimately Smith learns that Mapplethorpe is gay and both go on to find their own loves and their own directions in life and in art. In that degree "Just Kids" feels like only the beginning of a captivating story, the transition to another chapter, and I sincerely hope, a transition to another volume of memories, as I'm no doubt certain that Smith has a wealth of other memories than span well into the 80s, 90s and beyond. But for now I'm heartened to hear what she has to say as for now, the era before she became Patti Smith. And rather than being a trip down memory lane, "Just Kids" reminds us that everyone had to start somewhere, and success is never easy or certain. Smith's prose also wonderfully captures an era of New York City that has largely faded to the mists of time and memory. It is a time and place I was glad to revisit for a while. Immensely enjoyable and quite readable "Just Kids" is probably one of the best rock autobiographies I've ever read!

Just Kids Overview

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Special Prices for Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography Review

Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography

Are you looking to buy Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography. check out the link below:

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Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography Review

To be honest, my main reason for buying this book was that I was a huge "Outsiders" fan back in the early 80's. I always felt Rob was the best looking Greaser in the cast & as the years passed, also felt he was the best looking of the Brat Pack. I certainly didn't expect his book to be more than a compilation of stories about his life in Hollywood but it is more than that. He discusses his parent's divorce, his mother's depression, their financial struggles & his love for his wife & sons. He also gives Outsiders fans a great behind-the-scenes look into the making of that film. He is very candid & exposes himself as a flawed human being like the rest of us. He does discuss other Hollywood pals & tells some great stories but he doesn't make their celebrity the focal point of these tales or his book. A must read for those who loved the movie the Outsiders and anyone who is a fan of Rob's.

Stories I Only Tell My Friends: An Autobiography Overview

A wryly funny and surprisingly moving account of an extraordinary life lived almost entirely in the public eyeA teen idol at fifteen, an international icon and founder of the Brat Pack at twenty, and one of Hollywood's top stars to this day, Rob Lowe chronicles his experiences as a painfully misunderstood child actor in Ohio uprooted to the wild counterculture of mid-seventies Malibu, where he embarked on his unrelenting pursuit of a career in Hollywood. The Outsiders placed Lowe at the birth of the modern youth movement in the entertainment industry. During his time on The West Wing, he witnessed the surreal nexus of show business and politics both on the set and in the actual White House. And in between are deft and humorous stories of the wild excesses that marked the eighties, leading to his quest for family and sobriety. Never mean-spirited or salacious, Lowe delivers unexpected glimpses into his successes, disappointments, relationships, and one-of-a-kind encounters with people who shaped our world over the last twenty-five years. These stories are as entertaining as they are unforgettable.

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