Lowest Price Norton Anthology of Western Music (Sixth Edition) (Vol. 1: Ancient to Baroque) Review

Norton Anthology of Western Music (Sixth Edition)  (Vol. 1: Ancient to Baroque)

Are you looking to buy Norton Anthology of Western Music (Sixth Edition) (Vol. 1: Ancient to Baroque)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Norton Anthology of Western Music (Sixth Edition) (Vol. 1: Ancient to Baroque). check out the link below:

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Norton Anthology of Western Music (Sixth Edition) (Vol. 1: Ancient to Baroque) Review

I remember the First edition of Grout's "A History of Western Music"--it was the main text in use when I was a first year undergraduate student. In fact it was one of the standard texts in use at a large number of colleges. The good news is that I was pleased to see the excellent changes. I didn't have to look far to find my first (1 st) edition Grout ( I've used it still until I purchased this new 6th edition several weeks ago)--there are 101 more pages of text. In reality there is much more to look at as the 1st edition book was only 6 x 9 inches. The new 6th Edition is larger: 7 1/4 by 10 1/2 inches. In addition, there is a highly attractive layout; the best feature? A wonderful highlighted-in-blue area (appearing every 40 pages or so) in which the composers themselves speak about a wonderful range of topics such as Francois Couperin 'On the Union of the Italian and French Styles' or, the great J.S. Bach's description of one the church service's he organized (known as an 'Order of Service') taken from a collection of his memoirs.
Lastly, I enjoyed seeing the addition of an overall "Time-Line of Events" which prefaces each unit. This includes not only items from music, but any historical event which remotely affected change in music or musical thought.
My singluar critical note is perhaps something which the authors had little time to devote to. The 6th edition ends with composers who, in this reviewer's opinion, were certainly not 'mainstream'--like John Cage (1912-1992) (who's infamous "4'33" is actually a period of four minutes and thirythree seconds in which the 'performer' remains totally silent). Cage was popular in the late 70s more for his extremism than anything else. The last paragraph of the book does state, in effect, that composers are being more sensitive to their audiences. (No doubt! Their INsensitivity nearly killed classical music in the 70s) As with any textbook, deadlines must limit speculation--there will undoubtedly be a 7th edition to address more changes in our musical world.
Lastly, the reader should take note that the current author of this work, Claude V. Palisca, is also the author of the "Norton Anthology of Music" which can be used in conjunction with this text. Also, the publisher, W.W.Norton and Co., has a website for readers (which is also mentioned in the text: http://www.wwnorton.com/grout.). The website is still active (I just visited it) and has a wealth of information and listening resources---too bad we didn't have this back in 1967 !

Norton Anthology of Western Music (Sixth Edition) (Vol. 1: Ancient to Baroque) Overview

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46% Off Discounts: Purchase Cheap God, No: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales Review

God, No: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales

Are you looking to buy God, No: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on God, No: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales. check out the link below:

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God, No: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales Review

God No! is, I think, about the possibility of being a good person without believing in a supreme being. When Penn Jillette stays on point, he uses humor effectively to make meaningful arguments. When he rambles and digresses -- which he does frequently -- he dilutes that message. In the introduction, Penn tells the reader that he rambles, but the admission should be in all caps, printed in bright red ink, surrounded by stars and preceded by a WARNING sign.
Penn tells us that he is an atheist, not an agnostic, because anyone who doesn't know whether there is a god necessarily doesn't believe in one and must therefore be an atheist. It seems to me Penn defines agnosticism out of existence. Most people I know who call themselves atheists deny the possibility of a deity while those who argue that the existence or nonexistence of a supreme being is unknowable tend to call themselves agnostics. Penn understands the distinction but rejects it; in his words, "If you're not willing to pretend that matters of god can be certain, you're an atheist." I suppose Penn can define his terms any way he wants, but he didn't persuade me that "Do you believe in god?" is a question "that needs to be answered yes or no." I think it's a question that can legitimately be answered however an individual wants to answer it (including "I have no belief either way"), even if Penn thinks that any answer more nuanced than "yes" or "no" is "a cheesy grade school dodge."
Definitions aside, there is something to be said for Penn's larger point: It is possible to live an ethical life based on rules derived from shared experiences that are not dependent on biblical commandments. This book, Penn tells us, is a response to Glen Beck's challenge "to entertain the idea of an atheist Ten Commandments." Penn offers ten "suggestions" that, to a large extent, parallel the Ten Commandments. He illustrates each of his suggestions with a group of funny stories -- or, more accurately, with stories that are intended to be funny. Some are, some aren't, some are funnier than others. While Penn's sense of humor isn't always on key with my own, I found many of his stories to be at least moderately amusing. My favorite is a very funny story about battling the TSA over his right to drop trou. Despite his general abrasiveness, some of his stories, particularly about his family, are sweet. I also appreciated his ability to use self-deprecating humor to tone down the preachiness of his message.
I can't quarrel with the "suggestions" Penn offers in place of "commandments" but I do think he made some odd choices to illustrate them. For instance, his first suggestion is "The highest ideals are human intelligence, creativity, and love. Respect these above all." After positing the suggestion, Penn launches into a lengthy discussion of Siegfried and Roy. Penn loves Siegfried and Roy despite belittling their glitziness, their animals, their magic, and their music, because of the "desperate purity" of their desire to be onstage. They may have invented "a new art form," as Penn argues, but if Siegfried and Roy's Vegas act represents our highest ideals, we are in serious trouble.
Despite Penn's occasional takes on atheism, God No! is less about religion than it is a stream of consciousness ramble about the people Penn knows (including a surprisingly large number of strippers and porn stars) and the random events that have shaped his life. If you're a Penn & Teller fan, you might enjoy the backstage stories, the gossip about other magicians, the venting about Kreskin, or the descriptions of Penn's house and the parties he throws.
I imagine someone will post a "review" of this book without reading it, complaining that the book is anti-Christian. It isn't. It could be viewed as anti-religion (Penn skewers a variety of religious beliefs) but his larger point -- that religion isn't a necessary component of an ethical life -- is not a concept that depends upon hostility to religion. The book doesn't have a mean-spirited feel (although religious people might be offended by some of the things he says). One of Penn's precepts is that most people are fundamentally good, whether or not they belong to a religion. Penn is actually meaner to self-described agnostics (who, in his view, "are really cowardly and manipulative atheists") than he is in his discussions of sincerely held religious beliefs.
While nothing in this book offended me, neither did much of it delight me. I don't hold it against Penn that he doesn't believe tax money should be used to fund libraries or cancer research (he's entitled to his opinion, after all) but I wasn't impressed with his defense of those positions, among others. In the end, I was indifferent to much of the book and a bit put off by its rambling nature, but I liked enough of the stories to give it 3 1/2 stars.

God, No: Signs You May Already Be an Atheist and Other Magical Tales Overview

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Buy Cheap Sorry I'm Not Sorry Review

Sorry I'm Not Sorry

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Sorry I'm Not Sorry Review

As soon as I found out that @SororityProblem was coming out with a book, I was hooked. "Sorry I'm Not Sorry" is probably the funniest thing I've read in a while. Yes, some of the stories are a little extreme, but that's not to say they are unreal. Stuff like this happens in college, and @SororityProblem just happen to put her stories out to the public. I can't wait until the sequel comes out, because I will most definitely purchase it.

Sorry I'm Not Sorry Overview

'The most despicable Twitter ever.' - Comedian Bo Burnham'Your twitter account is a disgrace 2 American youth & the embodyment of everything that is wrong w/ our culture today. #congrats' - Twitter User'DO NOT READ THIS BOOK, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME' - Your ParentsFrom the author of the popular Twitter feed @SororityProblem comes a new PhoneBook about hard-partying 21st century girl Alexa Black and the epic disaster that ensues when her mother forces her to clean up her act and join a prim-and-proper sorority. Alexa tries to land in this strange new world on her feet, but from suffering an embarrassing accident while trying to make a love connection at a Britney Spears concert to being wrongly arrested for public indecency at a Chili's, she soon realizes that nothing can make her fall on her face faster than her own good intentions.To find out more about how to download the book directly onto your phone or computer in one minute, as the book was designed to be read, please copy and paste this link in our browser to be taken to our Facebook page: http://t.co/BX4sH0C

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Purchase Cheap The Sweetest Thing Review

The Sweetest Thing

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The Sweetest Thing Review

Barbara Freethy has acquired a new fan. This story was touching but not saccharine, fast-moving but fleshed-out, sensual without being too graphic, and mystical but not far-fetched. While the ending was a bit rushed, the loose ends all coming together conveniently, it was still a great introduction to a talented author, and worthy of any reader's "keeper" shelf.

The Sweetest Thing Overview

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Lowest Price The Junket (Kindle Single) Review

The Junket (Kindle Single)

Are you looking to buy The Junket (Kindle Single)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Junket (Kindle Single). check out the link below:

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The Junket (Kindle Single) Review

This is one of the best stories I can think of about how our culture has changed, what is driving it, and where it is all taking us. I loved this, deeply loved this. Mike Albo was turned into, as he puts it, "The Silkwood of Swag". He was offered up as a scapegoat at the Times for a culture that relies on freebies sneaking off through the system in order for the writers to (barely) survive and, it should be said, for the companies to get column inches, and, in a way, for the paper that says it eschews such things to survive as well. What he's done with that experience is so funny and smart, and bigger than the NYT thing---it's about the sad horrible ways the whole rigged media ad game works. Also, it's dishy as hell. Now hit that "buy" button and enjoy.

The Junket (Kindle Single) Overview

From author and performer Mike Albo comes this hilarious, harrowing and totally fictional novella about a struggling freelance writer living in New York City named Mike Albo. He lands an enviable gig writing about shopping and fashion for the city's major newspaper, but an ill-fated promotional junket gets Albo into hot water. He becomes a gossip item and finds himself caught in an acrimonious war between Old and New Media. Here's a gimlet-eyed account of the back-biting media scene, a glimpse into the inner workings of the fashion crowd, and a candid portrait of what it takes to survive as a writer in today's chattering and watchful New York City."I was perilously close to exposing a secret underground economy of promotion: favors and junkets and banquets and gifts that keeps the city in motion, and keeps underpaid writers at work. Basically, I became the Silkwood of Swag."

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Best Price Workbook for Tonal Harmony: With an Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music, Sixth Edition Review

Workbook for Tonal Harmony: With an Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music, Sixth Edition

Are you looking to buy Workbook for Tonal Harmony: With an Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music, Sixth Edition? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Workbook for Tonal Harmony: With an Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music, Sixth Edition. check out the link below:

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Workbook for Tonal Harmony: With an Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music, Sixth Edition Review

The workbook and text for Tonal Harmony is the standard for many music programs. My aspiring musician lost his first copy and needed it so badly, that I had to buy a second. The only book he uses more is his Music Business Text, which is where they learn to be a profitable musician.
Even if you don't need this text for a class, it is a valuable read for the beginning/aspiring musician.

Workbook for Tonal Harmony: With an Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music, Sixth Edition Overview

The Workbook provides assignments for each chapter of Tonal Harmony by Stefan Kostka and Dorothy Payne helping student to master the content of the textbook. Each set of Workbook exercises in the Workbook is closely correlated with the corresponding chapter in the text and with a particular Self-Test within the chapter. Each set of Workbook exercises begins with problems that are similar to those found in the corresponding Self-Test, but the Workbook exercises also include problems that are too open-ended for the Self-Test format as well as more creative types of compositional problems. Assignments are set up so that students can tear out individual assignments and submit them for grading without interfering with other assignments. Selected Workbook exercises are available in Finale templates though the Online Learning Center, and each new copy of the workbook comes with a discount code for purchase of Finale notation software at a special low price. The Workbook includes a CD containing audio recordings of the many assignments.

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Best Buy for Tonal Harmony Review

Tonal Harmony

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Tonal Harmony Review

I had to use this in college for my music theory I,II and III classes. It is very in depth and requires extensive study. This is definately not for the faint hearted musician. This new version is much better than the one I had because it has CD's for fast access to the music examples. The older additions came with tape cassettes. Also this new book includes CD Roms for computer learning. The book includeds much information. It is a text book and is not meant to be used as a self-learning tool. I would reccomend this only if you are in college and need it for your music theory classes.

Tonal Harmony Overview

For nearly two decades Tonal Harmony has been the leading text for the two-year theory curriculum for music majors.Used at nearly 800 schools, Tonal Harmony has been consistently praised for its practicality and ease of use for student and instructor alike.The straightforward approach is supported by well-chosen examples and thoughtful exercises, and the total presentation is compatible with differing teaching styles and theoretical points of view.In addition, a set outstanding ancillaries, which include a collection of audio examples on CD (for both the text and workbook) and an extensive Instructor's Manual, round out the comprehensive teaching package.

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Buy Cheap A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Review

A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition)

Are you looking to buy A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition). check out the link below:

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A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Review

i'm just a neuropsychologist who is interested in music - very interested, but not a formal student or teacher. I've studied clarinet, piano, recorder in some detail... I got this for an overview and general grounding, and also in the hopes of being able to obtain a good deal of detail when i wanted it. for the most part it does both, but, as to the latter - depth/detail - some things are covered in great detail and others in what i would call a cursory manner, with a couple sentences. In some cases, i myself know there is much more easily available, just from my lifetime of perusing liner notes, watching PBS or listening to NPR, the occasional book, and other ways of learning about music. Of course, the editors/writers had to pick and choose, but i just think some areas are under-represented; the book is already big so there would be little downside to it being even half again bigger. Maybe i just hoped for more because i already knew what was in there. My background is admittedly uneven.
My major complaint, however, which probably should prompt even more "points" knocked off the rating, is that there are accompanying materials - the written/graphic "anthology" and the "recorded" anthology, both of which i would like to get, but they are expensive and it is VERY (!!!!) difficult to determine exactly which of each of these really goes with the 8th edition i got. Everything seems to have different editions, and there are the "lite" version (something like 6 cds) and the "complete" version (like 15 cds or something), i think of both. the reason to be sure is that in the margin there are (very helpful) indications where in the written/graphic and in the recorded anthology you can find the score (written/graphic) or music (recorded) materials that are being discussed. If you pick a certain instance of this, then try to go where you might order the written or recorded anthology - guess what! - you do not immediately find anything that looks right. Not to mention that i believe on the Norton site the current edition of the history itself is - or was last month - the 7th edition. I just don't see the reason for all this chaos and confusion. Once they get it figured out and clear, i will be buying, because it is good material, but this is almost like dealing with Microsoft! Why not say, 8th edition history goes with 5th edition "lite" cds, or something - in a chart?
If someone actually has found out what to buy, or somehow bought the right thing by chance, you are probably giving this 5 stars (because i'm sure it's great), and probably you think i am nuts. If so, how about tipping me off - what are the specifics (name and edition#) for the complete written and recorded anthologies that go with the book, 8th edition?

A History of Western Music (Eighth Edition) Overview

The Eighth Edition of A History of WesternMusic is a vivid,accessible, and richly contextual view of music in Western culture.

Building on his monumental revision of the Seventh Edition, PeterBurkholder has refined an inspired narrative for a new generation ofstudents, placing people at the center of the story.The narrative of AHistory of Western Music naturally focuseson the musical works, styles, genres, and ideasthat have proven most influential, enduring, and significant-but it also encompasses a wide rangeof music, from religious to secular, fromserious to humorous, from art music to popularmusic, and from Europe to the Americas. With asix-part structure emphasizing the music'sreception and continued influence, Burkholder'snarrative establishes a social and historicalcontext for each repertoire to reveal its legacy and its significance today.

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38% Off Discounts: Special Prices for Animal Farm: Centennial Edition Review

Animal Farm: Centennial Edition

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Animal Farm: Centennial Edition Review

"Animal Farm" by George Orwell was never required reading for me when I was in school, so it took me some time to finally get around to reading it. I found it to be a complete and enjoyable read that had me hooked from the very first sentence. It is an excellent exercise in symbolism and creative imagination. While the book may be a very short read, it brings a whole lot to the table by giving you an interesting take on how history can be reenacted in the most imaginative ways.

The animals on Mr. Jones' farm have had enough of what they deem to be slavery. They're tired of being ordered around by humans while they see no benefits in their daily work. This is all sparked by a dream that the boar, Major, had about a unique place where animals called the shots and never had to be ordered around by humans ever again. He tells them a revolution is very much needed. When Major dies, the animals act quickly and are able to overthrow the alcoholic farmer and his thugs from his very own farm. The pigs are in charge now, as they claim that they are much smarter than the others and know how to lead. What seems to be paradise quickly transforms into another form of slavery altogether enforced by propaganda and threats from the pigs. And yet, the animals do not know any better, as they are deceived by the new system that gives them the illusion that they are better off than they were with Mr. Jones calling the shots.

The book is greatly inspired by real events that went down during the era of communism in Russia, using animals as the actual people. While it helps to know about that time period, the book is written so well that it is easily understood even if you only know a little about what happened during that time. The use of animals was a very creative way to tell this story, as it gives you a big incentive to actually care for these characters. Had this just been about real people, then it would've just sounded like anything you could find in your history books. Orwell finds a much more interesting way of tackling the topic. He gives life to every one of his characters and they all elicit some kind of a feeling from you. There are times when the book is funny, and then there are times when it is just downright chilling (the last chapter will stay in your head for more than a few hours).

George Orwell's "Animal Farm" is a genuine masterpiece that quickly hooks the reader from the very beginning. It's an extremely easy read as well as an enjoyable one--not enjoyable in the sense that this is a "happy tale," but enjoyable in the sense that you really feel like you're reading something great. If you haven't had the chance to check it out, make sure you add this to your reading list. It is something that should be read by everyone at least once in their life, even if they don't end up enjoying it as much as others. I loved every single word that was written in the extremely creative read. This is an important classic in literature that shouldn't be missed for any reason. -Michael Crane

Animal Farm: Centennial Edition Overview

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Lowest Price Ms America and the Offing on Oahu (Ms America Mysteries, No. 1) Review

Ms America and the Offing on Oahu (Ms America Mysteries, No. 1)

Are you looking to buy Ms America and the Offing on Oahu (Ms America Mysteries, No. 1)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Ms America and the Offing on Oahu (Ms America Mysteries, No. 1). check out the link below:

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Ms America and the Offing on Oahu (Ms America Mysteries, No. 1) Review

I recently read Ms. Dempsey's Falling Star and loved it, so I decided to check out her latest book. I have to say, I enjoyed this one just as much -- perhaps even more. Once again, Ms. Dempsey has created a spunky, resourceful heroine who, despite her status as a perennial participant in beauty pageants, is still very much an underdog, which made me root for her even more. The murder mystery she becomes embroiled in manages to be both comical and nail-biting, and the identity of the killer kept me guessing all the way. Add to that a wickedly fun cast of supporting characters and an exotic Hawaii locale and you've got a perfect summer beach read.

Ms America and the Offing on Oahu (Ms America Mysteries, No. 1) Overview

SPECIAL PRICE FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY!Customers who enjoy books by Janet Evanovich are sure to enjoy MS AMERICA AND THE OFFING ON OAHU, a fast and hilariously funny read about how being a beauty queen can be murder ' Ms Ohio Happy Pennington finds out it's not all sequins and silicone when she competes on Oahu for the Ms America crown-the first national title of her life.When her fiercest competitor tumbles dead out of the isolation booth during the televised pageant finale, Honolulu PD gets to thinking Happy might have killed her.What's the only thing a beauty queen worth her sash can do? Nab the real killer-even if that means tangling with snarky rival contestants, a local who claims to be Hawaiian royalty, a brooding helicopter pilot, and a pageant emcee hot enough to die for ' ***Author Diana Dempsey never competed in beauty pageants but she did the next best thing: she worked in TV news. Now she's morphed into an author of fast, fun romantic fiction. Visit her at www.dianadempsey.com.

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Best Price Film Art: An Introduction Review

Film Art: An Introduction

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Film Art: An Introduction Review

had they edited it before printing and made a soft-cover book that actually didn't fall apart (the ninth edition, at least). There has to be over 10 typos on every spread and pages fall out every time I read it. It's a very interesting and insightful text that I wish I could enjoy. Instead, I find myself fixing typos and worrying about losing countless loose pages.

Film Art: An Introduction Overview

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Buy Cheap Big White Panties Review

Big White Panties

Are you looking to buy Big White Panties? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Big White Panties. check out the link below:

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Big White Panties Review

I decided to read this book mostly because of the title... I mean, who can resist a book called "Big White Panties"? We've all worn them, we've all seen them, we know how unsexy they are, y'all. Even though I'm a woman, I found the book to be filled with some pretty clever insights into the male brain. When I ask my husband what he's thinking, he usually says, "I'm thinking about the left-over brownies" or "I'm thinking about the Mets." I'm pretty sure he's telling the truth, but being a curious creature (as we women tend to be) I find it somewhat comforting to have it verified that there is, indeed, very little going on in his head.
Keep them coming, Dale! Help us solve the mystery of the male mind!!!

Big White Panties Overview

In this hilarious collection of selected essays about relationships, Dale Alderman explores the different viewpoints men and women have about each other. Although he has been with his wife, Starla, for over twenty years, Dale freely admits that he knows absolutely nothing about women and he has the stories to prove it including: Check Yes or No, Just Friends, You Will Love My Cat, With This Pre-nup I Thee Wed, My Eggs Are Rotting, and Big White Panties. Ladies, if you have ever wondered what your man is really thinking, Dale will tell you. Guys, if your lady has ever left you confused and frustrated, you are not alone. Dale has been there, too. To strengthen your relationship, sit on the couch with your soul mate, share a nice box of wine, and laugh out loud at Big White Panties. Dale Alderman lives in Chantilly, Virginia with his wife, Starla, and two sons, Chase and Logan. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1984 and received a masters degree from Marymount University in 1995. For 19 years, he worked as a sales and marketing executive for large global corporations, and then he decided to get a real life and spend time with his family. An award-winning author, Dale has appeared on FOX & Friends on the FOX News Channel and has appeared on many nationally syndicated radio shows. Dale is the author of Everyday Dad, a collection of funny stories about fatherhood. He is also the author of The MegaDog Tales, a middle grade adventure about a cocker spaniel that becomes a superhero.

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Best Price Crazy Girls (Kindle Single) Review

Crazy Girls (Kindle Single)

Are you looking to buy Crazy Girls (Kindle Single)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Crazy Girls (Kindle Single). check out the link below:

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Crazy Girls (Kindle Single) Review

Lance is an amazingly funny writer and the book had me laughing out loud. Perfect kindle book for bringing on the subway and examining the women around me, wondering what secret craziness lurks beneath their normal-seeming exteriors. If you're looking for a solidly written, hilarious read, pick this one up.

Crazy Girls (Kindle Single) Overview

A naive guy in his 20s has his innocence shattered by these terrifying, hilarious and crazy dates. Pills, drugs, alcohol, religious nuts, depression, cheating and the NYPD; comedian and writer Max Lance recounts his worst nights from the New York City dating scene.

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Best Price Bossypants Review


Are you looking to buy Bossypants? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Bossypants. check out the link below:

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Bossypants Review

I enjoy a good memoir. It seems there's always something good to learn from other people's life experiences. And while I'm not a huge Tina Fey fan, I enjoyed her as Sarah Palin on SNL and occasionally watch 30 Rock. So after reading a review of the book, and being without anything to read at the moment, I took a chance and bought Bossypants, and I'm glad I did.
It seemed a little uneven starting out, but quickly transitioned into some very interesting pieces about her early jobs, her work with Second City, and then her transition into writing for SNL and her eventual creation of 30 Rock. Interspersed are stories about growing up and dating, her eventual marriage, and her struggles to balance work and family life, as well as some candid advice for other women on how to make it in a male-dominated industry.
Perhaps what I liked most about the book is that even though there is a lot of self-deprecating (and distancing) humor, my sense in the end was that Fey gave us an honest look at who she is: imperfect, stumbling, but always rising again, persevering, and continuing to do what she loves. I would say the book is well worth reading for any fan of Tina Fey, 30 Rock, or SNL, as well as for any woman who struggles to balance the roles of worker, spouse and mom. It was a good read!

Bossypants Overview

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43% Off Discounts: Best Price Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Mastery, with Authentic Recipes and Stories Review

Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Mastery, with Authentic Recipes and Stories

Are you looking to buy Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Mastery, with Authentic Recipes and Stories? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Mastery, with Authentic Recipes and Stories. check out the link below:

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Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Mastery, with Authentic Recipes and Stories Review

After purchasing this book, I have had a hard time cooking from any other. To date, I have made: minced pork in lettuce cups; stir-fried beef & broccoli; stir-fried chicken with pineapple and peppers; chinese trinidadian chicken with mango chutney; five spice chicken with sugar snaps; chinese jamaican stir-fried chicken with chayote; stir-fried chicken with carrots & mushrooms; chinese burmese chili chicken; stir-fried salmon in wine sauce; dry-fried pepper & salt shrimp; singapore-style stir-fried lobster; spicy long beans with sausage and mushrooms; fried sweet rice with mushrooms; and singapore noodles. No dish has disappointed. The recipes are clear and concise, the backgrounds giving more appreciation for each dish, and the photography approaches the pornographic for glorious color & close-ups of the food. That said (I may be biased), my dishes have looked remarkably close to the pictures.
I haven't had this much fun cooking from a book in a long time. So. . .buy the book, find those tiny Mom & Pop Asian grocery stores, & don't be afraid to ask questions. You're going to eat well!

Stir-Frying to the Sky's Edge: The Ultimate Guide to Mastery, with Authentic Recipes and Stories Overview

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37% Off Discounts: Lowest Price Gluten-Free on a Shoestring: 125 Easy Recipes for Eating Well on the Cheap Review

Gluten-Free on a Shoestring: 125 Easy Recipes for Eating Well on the Cheap

Are you looking to buy Gluten-Free on a Shoestring: 125 Easy Recipes for Eating Well on the Cheap? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Gluten-Free on a Shoestring: 125 Easy Recipes for Eating Well on the Cheap. check out the link below:

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Gluten-Free on a Shoestring: 125 Easy Recipes for Eating Well on the Cheap Review

Thank you, thank you!!! I have bought so many gluten free cookbooks and have had terrible results. Gluten Free On a Shoestring is very easy to follow..Nicole explains everything and makes it seem so easy to bake. I baked her Pound Cake and my husband (who does not need to eat gf) said he couldnt tell the difference. Nicole is witty, smart and clever. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet her and she was so informative, while being so down to earth. She understands that people dont want to eat gf foods that taste and smelly yucky. She understands that people want to be able to cook gf without a hassle, not to mention the cost of baking gf. I recommend this book to everyone that needs to be on a gf diet. Don't waste your money on any other gf cookbook. I look forward to her next cookbook and will certainly buy it! Thanks, Gina

Gluten-Free on a Shoestring: 125 Easy Recipes for Eating Well on the Cheap Overview

Gluten-free cooking has never been this easy—or affordable!

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43% Off Discounts: Purchase Cheap Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day: 100 New Recipes Featuring Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Gluten-Free Ingredients Review

Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day: 100 New Recipes Featuring Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Gluten-Free Ingredients

Are you looking to buy Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day: 100 New Recipes Featuring Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Gluten-Free Ingredients? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day: 100 New Recipes Featuring Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Gluten-Free Ingredients. check out the link below:

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Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day: 100 New Recipes Featuring Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Gluten-Free Ingredients Review

I have been a fan of Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day (ABFM). The main problem with that book is the bread came out so good, I tended to eat too much of it (but loving every minute of it).
One of the great things about the technique in ABFD is that the recipes are very forgiving and flexible, and I usually made variations, including using more whole grains.
Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day will not only alleviate some of the guilt, it has some really wonderful recipes and ideas using a wide range of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, gluten-free breads and pastries and even some healthy variations on some of the more delicious but not necessarily the healthiest breads from ABFD (such as the 100% whole grain butterfat and yolk fee Brioche!).
I tried many of the recipes in ABFD and most were very good to excellent, some outstanding.
I will, sadly, be putting ABFD on the shelf at least for a while. I really look forward to exploring the healthy recipes in this book. Let's see, if I make a different bread every 4 days, it will only take me about a year to go through the entire book.
For those of you who have not tried Artisan Bread, the technique is really as easy as the writers claim, it is virtually foolproof, and you can now have fresh homemade bread at any time with almost no fuss whatsoever. Once you get this book, you will never buy bread from a store again. You can freeze the dough and it tastes just as good thawed. I took some frozen dough on a trip and enjoyed homemade bread far from home.
The title "Five Minutes a Day" is based on preparation time. It takes less than 20 minutes to completely prepare most recipes to make about 4 loaves (you can easily half or double the recipes). Of course, you still have to bake the bread, but that is not active cooking time. You can easily freeze the dough and build a store of different breads in your freezer. Over time, depending on how much bread you eat, you will probably less than 5 minutes a day on average.
Though a good number of recipes use only whole grains and "healthy" ingredients, some recipes use smaller amounts of unbleached white flour, small amounts of sugar. However, the writers encourage you to make substitutes if you like, which is what I did with ABFD.
The only improvement to the book I can think of at the present time is listing somewhere in the book which recipes are vegan (my daughter is vegan and I am vegetarian). Though I can figure that out for myself by flipping through the book, it would be nice to have those recipes listed.
As an added bonus to delicious recipes, according to the book, the cost of a loaf of bread made at home is about $.40 per loaf. That cost probably is more for recipes that use less well-known grains, or more expensive ingredients, but then again those bread would be more expensive to buy in the store in any case. No matter which recipes you choose, you will be saving money.
Should you buy this if you already have the first book? I did, and I am glad that I did. I am impressed with the wide range of recipes and their creative approach to making bread not merely delicious, but healthier.
One more thing: the writers have an incredible website (healthybreadinfive), where they have additional recipes, and a great bread making community sharing tips and experiences. Though I have not posted on the web site, they answer questions and even based some of the recipes in their new book on suggestions from readers.
Add healthy bread to your diet and save money. Zoe and Jeff, thanks for bringing fresh, easy to make, bread back into my life!
This is my first ever review on Amazon, but I felt this book merited a strong endorsement.
I've begun to try the recipes
I used the rye as a a sandwich bread, and made a pizza crust (and a regular loaf) from the avocado-guacamole bread. These recipes are about 1/3 whole wheat. The recipes seem a little less forgiving in terms of getting the time right (I undercooked one loaf of rye, and overcooked a loaf of the avocado-guacamole bread). It may have something to do with the whole wheat, but I'm not sure.
The Bran Muffin Bread came out wonderfully, great crust, light inside, slightly sweet and delicious. Also used it for French Toast, which was great!
I combined 2 recipes, 100% Whole Wheat with Olive Oil and 100% Whole Wheat with Flaxseed. Great crust and very good whole wheat taste with the extra nutrition of flaxseed. It is particularly good as a bread for sandwiches. I used the dough for the Algerian Flat Bread (a pan fried bread) which was a real treat.
I just made the 100% whole wheat with brown rice breat. This was a great bread and somewhat unusual. The bread crumb looks lighter than regular whole wheat bread, which might make it more acceptable to fussy eaters (read "kids"). The crust is delicious. When it comes out of the oven it is particularly crunchy with a nice combination of wheat and rice flavors intermixed.
Keep in mind, that while these recipes are "healthier" than regular bread recipes that just use regular flours, most are not pure whole grains, but a combination of unbleached white with other grains. There are some 100% whole wheat recipes as well. However, all the recipes do have a healthier twist and I am very happy with the book. I'm looking forward to trying many other recipes such as: Pistachio Twist, Gluten Free Cheddar and Sesame Bread, Carrot Bread, Lentil Curry Bread.
A question of time. Does it really only takes five minutes a day? Although there are some recipes which are more complicated (but delicious) many of the basic recipes do take the equivalent of 5 minutes a day. For a fantastic new illustrated step by step walk through of the basic recipe, go to the author's website [...].
In summary, you get a large container, put in the yeast, salt, warm water, and flour, and mix. Most recipes make enough for four loaves (though usually can be doubled or halved). Timing myself, including the time to get the ingredients from various places in my kitchen, to mixing them, to cleaning up, many of the recipes will take between 10 to 15 minutes for the initial batch ( not including waiting time). Then, each time you want to make a loaf, you take a grapefruit size of the flour (which you have refrigerated), let it get to room temperature, put it in the oven and bake. the total amount of time I usually spend to make four loaves of bread is less than 20 minutes. Of course, there are some extremely delicious recipes that require some extra steps, but even most of these only take a few more minutes. I do not have a container big enough for the eight loaves at a time, but if I was really concerned about time, I could do that. Most of the doughs can be frozen. I usually make 2 or 3 of the loaves, freeze the rest, and then began to build a bank of various breads I can thaw and then freshly bake.

Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day: 100 New Recipes Featuring Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Gluten-Free Ingredients Overview

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36% Off Discounts: Best Price The Vegan Slow Cooker: Simply Set It and Go with 150 Recipes for Intensely Flavorful, Fuss-Free Fare Everyone (Vegan or Not) Will Devour Review

The Vegan Slow Cooker: Simply Set It and Go with 150 Recipes for Intensely Flavorful, Fuss-Free Fare Everyone (Vegan or Not) Will Devour

Are you looking to buy The Vegan Slow Cooker: Simply Set It and Go with 150 Recipes for Intensely Flavorful, Fuss-Free Fare Everyone (Vegan or Not) Will Devour? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Vegan Slow Cooker: Simply Set It and Go with 150 Recipes for Intensely Flavorful, Fuss-Free Fare Everyone (Vegan or Not) Will Devour. check out the link below:

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The Vegan Slow Cooker: Simply Set It and Go with 150 Recipes for Intensely Flavorful, Fuss-Free Fare Everyone (Vegan or Not) Will Devour Review

Focaccia in the crockpot? Pimento cheezy dip? Recipes look easy, and low-fat healthy. I grow tired of slow-cooker recipes that require a saute prior to cooking. What's the point of the slow-cooker if I gotta cook before cooking? I ordered the book even though I'm in the middle of a move. I'll actually have to pack it in a box as soon as I get it. Maybe by winter I'll be settled in and get to try it out!

The Vegan Slow Cooker: Simply Set It and Go with 150 Recipes for Intensely Flavorful, Fuss-Free Fare Everyone (Vegan or Not) Will Devour Overview

Want to learn more information about The Vegan Slow Cooker: Simply Set It and Go with 150 Recipes for Intensely Flavorful, Fuss-Free Fare Everyone (Vegan or Not) Will Devour?

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Special Prices for The Vegan Girl's Guide to Life Review

The Vegan Girl's Guide to Life

Are you looking to buy The Vegan Girl's Guide to Life? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Vegan Girl's Guide to Life. check out the link below:

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The Vegan Girl's Guide to Life Review

I just received this yesterday, so I haven't made any of the recipes yet. The book is stuffed full with timely, relevant info about leading a vegan lifestyle - vegan cooking/foods, vegan clothes and footwear, lists of vegan cosmetics companies on the Web, etc. Oh, and crafts, too! All presented in an attractive and fun format. I'm 44 and not all that hip, :), but I really like this book so far, a lot more than I thought I would. It's more like a little reference book for vegans. I wish I had this book 3 yrs ago when I first went vegan. The recipes look great, too, can't wait to try them. (Thank you for including a biscuits and gravy recipe!!)

The Vegan Girl's Guide to Life Overview

Vegan women everywhere are banding together in their efforts to be healthy, cruelty free, and environmentally responsible. This is their handbook. Melisser (known to most as "The Urban Housewife") presents the basics of veganism for the newbies, lots of DIY craft projects, cruelty-l;free beauty tips, travel advice, recipes, and more. This book is not just for vegan girls-it's also for anyone who's interested in a cruelty-free lifestyle. Discover the best beauty products, fun vacation spots, plus an assortment of recipes including Jackfruit "Carnitas" Tacos, Twice Baked Chipotle Sweet Potatoes, Curried Red Lentil Veggie Burgers, Chipotle Hominy Stew, and Double Chocolate Cookies. Learn how to make recycled cake stands, find a cross-stitch pattern by Stitch'd Ink, and find out about natural beauty and cleaning products. Reading like a Who's Who of vegan women, contributions of recipes and craft projects will be provided by some of the most respected vegan chefs and bloggers in the world (Isa Chandra Moskowitz, Hannah Kaminsky, Celine Steen, Julie Hasson, Kittee Berns, Kelly Peloza, and more). Full of photos and quirky illustrations, this is useful information with a punk rock attitude.

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43% Off Discounts: Lowest Price Life, on the Line: A Chef's Story of Chasing Greatness, Facing Death, and Redefining the Way We Eat Review

Life, on the Line: A Chef's Story of Chasing Greatness, Facing Death, and Redefining the Way We Eat

Are you looking to buy Life, on the Line: A Chef's Story of Chasing Greatness, Facing Death, and Redefining the Way We Eat? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Life, on the Line: A Chef's Story of Chasing Greatness, Facing Death, and Redefining the Way We Eat. check out the link below:

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Life, on the Line: A Chef's Story of Chasing Greatness, Facing Death, and Redefining the Way We Eat Review

By the age of 32 Grant Achatz, chef/owner of Alinea, had achieved his dream of having the best restaurant in American and, along the way, had completely redefined not only the dining experience but how we think about food and eating. In this book, Chef Achatz, along with Nick Kokonas (his business partner in Alinea and a first-time restaurateur), describes the path he took to reach his goal. If the story ended there, it would be an amazing story of hard work and sacrifice coupled with sheer genius and the audacity to succeed at all costs. The story takes a totally different turn when Chef Achatz is diagnosed with stage IV cancer of the tongue and is faced with the heart-rending choice of risking his sense of taste, and with it his livelihood and identity as a chef, in an attempt to save his life.
Though it sounds cliche, this book transcends genre and audience. For those interested in cooking and the life of a chef, it ranks alongside the works of Michael Ruhlman and Anthony Bourdain as the best in the genre. As a business book, it is a tremendous inspiration for the budding entrepreneur (or for a successful businessperson who is in the midst of doubt) and shows the power of making an audacious goal then driving forward to reach it. Above all it is the story of the extraordinary life of an extraordinary person as he strives to grow, succeed, live, and love. Chef Achatz has shown that he holds himself (and his staff) to the highest standards, and this book does not disappoint in any way. In short, the best book I've read in a very long time. Very highly recommended.

Life, on the Line: A Chef's Story of Chasing Greatness, Facing Death, and Redefining the Way We Eat Overview

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39% Off Discounts: Best Price How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time Review

How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time

Are you looking to buy How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time. check out the link below:

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How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time Review

Like most homebrewers, I started out with Charlie Papazian's book "The New Joy of Homebrewing". I had the second edition. It was a good book, but comparing it to this text, it seems hopelessly dated.
With the explosion of microbreweries across the country, lots of people got turned on to GOOD beer - and many of those looked into homebrewing. With so many people trying different methods and equipment, over time, brewing became simpler and much of what was deemed necessary in the earlier days was discarded. Many of the techniques and equipment listed here are the results of years of trial-and-error streamlining by other homebrewers. In addition, there's never been so many resources available via mail order and on the net. Homebrewing really is easy at this point.
This is the best basic brewing text I've found. You can start with it by making extract only beers, graduating to specialty grains in addition to extract, then to all grain brewing and making your own recipes and beer styles. The book is linear, presents the information as you need it and the information ranges from the most basic (like sanitation) to as technical as you could possibly want (water chemistry).
For years I've been an extract and specialty grain brewer. I never completely understood the process of all-grain brewing until I bought this text. It gave me the courage to build my own lautering tun and brew my first batch of beer made completely from scratch. It was a pale ale, nothing exotic, but man was it good beer. Check out the author's website and read the first edition online. The second edition is improved, so if you like the online text buy the hard copy book.
There are other good texts out there (the author lists many of them in the back of the book) but if you only want one homebrewing text, buy this one. It's a shame that Amazon doesn't carry it anymore. Track it down.

How to Brew: Everything You Need To Know To Brew Beer Right The First Time Overview

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41% Off Discounts: Special Prices for Kitchen Confidential Updated Edition: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly (P.S.) Review

Kitchen Confidential Updated Edition: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly (P.S.)

Are you looking to buy Kitchen Confidential Updated Edition: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly (P.S.)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Kitchen Confidential Updated Edition: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly (P.S.). check out the link below:

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Kitchen Confidential Updated Edition: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly (P.S.) Review

In this book, Anthony Bourdain, executive chef at New York's Brasserie Les Halles, takes us on a wild ride through that city's food supply industry that includes surprises such as heavy drinking, drugs, debauchery, Mafiosi and assorted seedy personalities.
It is clear that Bourdain enjoys a true passion for both food and cooking, a passion he inherited from the French side of his family. He tells us he decided to become a chef during a trip to southwestern France when he was only ten years of age and it is a decision he stuck to, graduating from the Culinary Institute of America.
Kitchen Confidential is a surprisingly well-written account of what life is really like in the commercial kitchens of the United States; "the dark recesses of the restaurant underbelly." In describing these dark recesses, Bourdain refreshingly casts as many stones at himself as he does at others. In fact, he is brutally honest. There is nothing as tiresome as a "tell-all" book in which the author relentlessly paints himself as the unwitting victim. Bourdain, to his enormous credit, avoids this trap. Maybe he writes so convincingly about drugs and alcohol because drugs and alcohol have run their course through his veins as well as those of others.
The rather raunchy "pirate ship" stories contained in this fascinating but testosterone-rich book help to bring it vividly to life and add tremendous credibility. The book does tend to discourage any would-be female chefs who might read it, but that's not Bourdain's fault; he is simply telling it like it is and telling it hilariously as well.
In an entire chapter devoted to one of the lively and crude characters that populate this book, Bourdain describes a man named Adam: "Adam Real-Last-Name-Unknown, the psychotic bread-baker, alone in his small, filthy Upper West Side apartment, his eyes two different sizes after a 36-hour coke and liquor jag, white crust accumulated at the corners of his mouth, a two-day growh of whiskers--standing there in a shirt and no pants among the porno mags, the empty Chinese takeout containers, as the Spice channel flickers silently on the TV, throwing blue light on a can of Dinty Moore beef stew by an unmade bed." Apparently Bourdain made just as many mistakes at the beginning of his career as did Adam, but the book however, doesn't always paint and bleak picture.
Another chapter entitled "The Life of Bryan," talks about renowned chef Scott Bryan, a man, who, according to Bourdain, made all the right decisions. Bourdain describes Bryan's shining, immaculate kitchen, his well-organized and efficient staff. It's respectful homage, but somehow, we feel that Bourdain, himself, will never be quite as organized as is Bryan, for Bourdain is just too much of the rebel, the original, the maverick.
Kitchen Confidential can be informative as well as wickedly funny. Bourdain is hilarious as he tells us what to order in restaurants and when. For instance, we learn never to eat fish on Mondays, to avoid Sunday brunches and never to order any sort of meat well-done. And, if we ever see a sign that says, "Discount Sushi," we will, if we are smart, run the other way as fast as we possibly can.
Kitchen Confidential isn't undying literature but it's so funny and so well-written that no one should care. It made me hungry for Bourdain's black sea bass crusted in sel de Bretagne with frites. It also made me order his novel, Bone in the Throat. If it is only half as funny and wickedly well-written as is Kitchen Confidential it will certainly be a treat.

Kitchen Confidential Updated Edition: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly (P.S.) Overview

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38% Off Discounts: Purchase Cheap Now Eat This Diet: Lose Up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks Eating 6 Meals a Day Review

Now Eat This Diet: Lose Up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks Eating 6 Meals a Day

Are you looking to buy Now Eat This Diet: Lose Up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks Eating 6 Meals a Day? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Now Eat This Diet: Lose Up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks Eating 6 Meals a Day. check out the link below:

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Now Eat This Diet: Lose Up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks Eating 6 Meals a Day Review

I bought Rocco's Now Eat This book last year. The recipes were so amazing that I started losing 3 pounds a week! The reason I could stay on this diet was because with Rocco's recipes, I felt like I was still eating my favorite foods - burgers, mac and cheese, fried chicken, brownies etc. I love that Rocco came out with Now Eat This Diet because it really helps me put together daily meal plans. No more guess work, I just simply combine what recipes I like best for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This book also has EVEN MORE recipes of my favorite comfort foods. There are a ton of photos in the book which come in handy when I am unsure whether I am making the dishes properly. The layout of the book is also good and very easy to follow. I'd say, overall, this book is even better than the last one.

Now Eat This Diet: Lose Up to 10 Pounds in Just 2 Weeks Eating 6 Meals a Day Overview

On the heels of the bestselling success of his low-calorie Now Eat This! cookbook, Rocco Dispirito expands his brand with a weight-loss program guaranteed to produce maximum results with minimum effort.Award-winning celebrity chef Rocco DiSpirito changed his life and his health-without giving up the foods he loves or the flavor.He has lost more than 20 pounds, participated in dozens of triathlons, and-after an inspirational role as a guest chef on The Biggest Loser-changed his own diet and the caloric content of classic dishes on a larger scale.In the Now Eat This! Diet, complete with a foreword by Dr. Mehmet Oz, DiSpirito offers readers a revolutionary 2-week program for dropping 10 pounds quickly, with little effort, no deprivation, and while still eating 6 meals a day and the dishes they crave, like mac & cheese, meatloaf, BBQ pork chops, and chocolate malted milk shakes.The secret: Rocco's unique meal plans and his 75 recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snack time, all with zero bad carbs, zero bad fats, zero sugar, and maximum flavor.Now readers can eat more and weigh less-it's never been so easy!

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43% Off Discounts: Lowest Price Green for Life Review

Green for Life

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Green for Life Review

I used to do a lot of juicing in the past but it is very time consuming and really messy. My problem is over since I got Green for Life. Making smoothies is a great alternative to juicing. It is much faster, less messy, and you also get some fiber in addition to juice. In addition to great recipes for making smoothies the book is also a good source of information about proper nutrition, the importance of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and much more. Get this book!! Another great volume that you may not miss is Can We Live 150. These two books together make a perfect gift of showing the way to healthy living just for anyone.

Green for Life Overview

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44% Off Discounts: Purchase Cheap The Primal Blueprint Cookbook: Primal, Low Carb, Paleo, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free (Primal Blueprint Series) Review

The Primal Blueprint Cookbook: Primal, Low Carb, Paleo, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free (Primal Blueprint Series)

Are you looking to buy The Primal Blueprint Cookbook: Primal, Low Carb, Paleo, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free (Primal Blueprint Series)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Primal Blueprint Cookbook: Primal, Low Carb, Paleo, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free (Primal Blueprint Series). check out the link below:

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The Primal Blueprint Cookbook: Primal, Low Carb, Paleo, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free (Primal Blueprint Series) Review

All my readings and life experience (previously working for five years in a natural foods co-op) have now finally converged on the Primal diet lifestyle as the common sense approach to nutrition (and, for me, backed up by the well-researched book, Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes).
I've bought a lot of cookbooks on my journey to a more healthy diet. And some of those cookbooks seem to be comprised of recipes that were conceived purely on theory and not at all on taste (cough..Atkins..cough).
I knocked out 5 of the recipes in the Primal Blueprint cookbook in a week and a half, and every single one of them tasted FANTASTIC. Even my wife and two children, whom I'm slowly trying to wean from their highly-refined carbo-centric tendencies, raved about the recipes I cooked (e.g. Moroccan chicken, Transylvanian stockpot, Coconut ice cream, zucchini frittata...) These are not people who like the taste of real vegetables. My wife said, and I quote, "That cookbook is best money we've ever spent. I can't believe how good this tastes."
Clearly, the recipes were tested and refined by an actual person who knows the taste of good food. Thank you, Jennifer Meier.
Also, I have a son who is Type 1 diabetic. We noticed that the meals I cooked from this book had a very low effect on his post-meal blood sugar. No huge post-meal spike and less insulin required at mealtime. That in itself was worth the price of admission. Cookbooks like this show him that he can eat delicious meals that do not adversely affect his blood glucose. He will need this knowledge to cope with his diabetes when he ventures out on his own (he's 10 right now).
To me, a five-star rating indicates a perfect book (or movie, or whatever), so I'm giving it 4 stars, a very high rating to me, for the following reasons:
- It does not have an index referencing the ingredients. I often cook by the "what-have-I-got-in-the-refridgerator" method; designing a week's worth of meals (and our food shopping) around that. With this book, I can't look up all the recipes that have zucchini in them. So put an index in it already.
- I do have the Primal Blueprint book also, but what if I'm someone who doesn't have that and just wants the cookbook? This cookbook doesn't contain a brief overview of the theory behind the recipes it contains; it just jumps right in to the recipes. A Primal Blueprint primer at the beginning of the cookbook would round it out nicely.
- Final (unfair) criticism: not enough recipes! You do get your money's worth, but I want Volume II already! (I'm not one to browse the internet or blogs for recipes; I like cookBOOKs.
Highly recommended cookbook as it contains excellent tasting, easy, nutritious recipes!

The Primal Blueprint Cookbook: Primal, Low Carb, Paleo, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free (Primal Blueprint Series) Overview

The popularity of the low carb/paleo/Primal way of eating has exploded, as people discover an appealing and sustainable alternative to the restrictive diets and flawed conventional wisdom that lead to burnout and failed weight loss efforts. The dream of eating satisfying meals-even on a budget-controlling weight and feeling great has now become a reality. As you build momentum for Primal eating, you'll find that you won't even miss the bland, boring, low-fat foods that previously were the central focus of your diet. How can you argue with a menu that includes Roasted Leg of Lamb with Herbs and Garlic, Salmon Chowder with Coconut Milk, Tomatoes Stuffed with Ground Bison and Eggs, and Baked Chocolate Custard? This isn't a crash course diet. These and the other Primal recipes provide the foundation for a lifetime of delicious, healthy eating, high energy and protection from common health problems that arise from eating the SAD (Standard American Diet).

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43% Off Discounts: Lowest Price The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook Review

The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook

Are you looking to buy The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook. check out the link below:

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The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook Review

This book has a number of good and SIMPLE recipes for gluten-free and low-carb dishes using almond flour. Well worth adding to the shelf; it simplifies and collects a lot of information about almond flour that is widely scattered.
The one big caution is that the author uncritically uses agave nectar for sweetening in almost all the recipes. She says this is because agave nectar is "lower on the glycemic index", but that's not an advantage, that's merely because agave nectar is largely fructose, the most dangerous of the sugars.
From Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D. in neurobiology (blog at [...]
"Agave syrup is made from the heart of the agave plant, which is pressed to release a juice rich in inulin. Inulin is a polymer made of fructose molecules. The inulin is then broken down either by heat or by enzymatic processing. The result is a sweet syrup that is rich in fructose. Agave syrup is marketed as a healthy, alternative sweetener. In fact, it's probably as bad or worse than high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). They are both a refined and processed plant extract. Both are high in fructose, with agave syrup leading HFCS (estimates of agave syrup range up to 92% fructose by calories). Finally, agave syrup is expensive and inefficient to produce. The high fructose content gives agave syrup a low glycemic index, because fructose does not raise blood glucose. Unfortunately, as some diabetics learned the hard way, using fructose as a substitute for sucrose (cane sugar) has negative long-term effects on insulin sensitivity."
I find that these recipes can be adapted by omitting the ill-chosen agave nectar sweetner, in favor of either ordinary sugar (sucrose) or for low-carbs an equivalent combination of Emerald Forest Sugar Erythritol, 1-Pound (Pack of 6) and NuNaturals NuStevia Pure White Stevia Extract, 1 Ounce (Pack of 2), as recommended by Lauren at Healthy Indulgences blog [...]

The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook Overview

The prevalence of celiac disease and gluten sensitivity among millions of adults and children has created the need for gluten-free recipes that are as nutritious and tasty as their traditional counterparts. Popular food blogger Elana Amsterdam offers ninety-nine family-friendly classics--from Pancakes to Eggplant Parmesan to Chocolate Cake--that feature her gluten-free ingredient of choice, almond flour. Because these recipes are low glycemic, low in cholesterol and dairy, and high in protein and fiber, they are also ideal for people with diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol.

So whether you're looking for a quick breakfast treat, a comfort food entrée, or a showstopping dessert, The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook proves that gluten-free cooking can mean healthy eating for everyone.

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Best Price Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book Review

Ben and Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream and Dessert Book

Are you looking to buy Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book. check out the link below:

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Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book Review

This is a terrific book, and it solved my perpetual problem of what to give people I know well enough to go to their wedding but not well enough to drop $800 on a wedding present. The recipes in this book make great ice cream. Toss in a decent ice cream maker, and you have a present that no one else will think of, that the receipients will appreciate, and one that they will use over time. (For what it's worth, I usually give the Donvier hand-turned machine because it makes dense, smooth ice cream that reminds me of gelato.)
Anyway, about the book and what makes it so great: Ben and Jerry tell you how to make their most popular ice creams, and a bunch that I never saw before. They provide multiple recipes for chocolate ice cream, and write clearly about how they are different. A friend of mine once made all the choclate ice creams and had a tasting party. It was interesting to see how different they really were. (And this book taught me the secret to great chocolate ice cream taste: a pinch of salt--really!)
If you are worried about using eggs, you will want to use a pasteurized egg product in place of the raw eggs. Other than that, this is a terrific book. Lots of good ideas, excellent recipes, and enough discussion about how to create new flavours to encourage even the most reluctant recipe-inventor to go hog wild.
I wish there were a sequel.

Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book Overview

With little skill, surprisingly few ingredients, and even the most unsophisticated of ice-cream makers, you can make the scrumptious ice creams that have made Ben & Jerry's an American legend.
Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream & Dessert Book tells fans the story behind the company and the two men who built it-from their first meeting in 7th-grade gym class (they were already the two widest kids on the field) to their "graduation" from a $5.00 ice-cream-making correspondence course to their first ice-cream shop in a renovated gas station.

But the best part comes next. Dastardly Mash, featuring nuts, raisins, and hunks of chocolate. The celebrated Heath Bar Crunch. New York Super Fudge Chunk. Oreo Mint. In addition to Ben & Jerry's 11 greatest hits, here are recipes for ice creams made with fresh fruit, with chocolate, with candies and cookies, and recipes for sorbets, sundaes, and baked goods. The 90-plus authentic recipes are spiced with Lyn Severance's bright, quirky, full-color illustrations.

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43% Off Discounts: Best Price Mastering the Art of French Cooking (2 Volume Set) Review

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (2 Volume Set)

Are you looking to buy Mastering the Art of French Cooking (2 Volume Set)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Mastering the Art of French Cooking (2 Volume Set). check out the link below:

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Mastering the Art of French Cooking (2 Volume Set) Review

Like the famous Julie of "Julie and Julia", a lot of us aspiring amateur cooks tried to work through this book in the 70's. We made a lot of the recipes, including a memorable "Dacquoise" meringue and praline cake for grad school parties. (We eked out a seminar dinner budget to cover the speaker and two or three guests at a restaurant and turned it into dinner for 30 or so by cooking at a faculty member's house. This was our main cookbook for many of those dinners.)
The basics on vegetables are here--maybe a bit plain by today's standards, or sometimes overly complicated (who is going to fight with an artichoke or make a moussaka a la turque steamed in a lining of eggplant skin in a timbale mould) but most of the recipes are well worth the effort.
Book One has main dishes and a few desserts, soups, of course and vegetables. Book Two has more ambitious baking (the infamous Dacquoise) and even baguettes, which still don't come out quite right as American flour has a different ash content and American ovens don't produce steam like professional ovens. The pastry section is particularly good in both; you can learn to make a pate sable or a kind of sugar-cookie like crust that is dead useful for tarts. I've also used the Creme Bavaroise many a time; a lot of work, beating gelatin, cream and carefully unmolding what looks like a simple mousse in a decorative ring mould but is a very elegant dessert that serves quite a few, especially sliced, and plated with fresh berries and a drizzle of sauce. It adapts to many flavors (passion fruit, strawberry, chocolate, mocha) and is one of my favorite classics that you just don't see anymore. The Reine de Saba cake (chocolate almond, under-baked in the center and with a ganache glaze) is equally elegant and again, serves a number of people when sliced and plated elegantly.
This book has the only French Onion Soup recipe I really like. A lot of work (you have to peel and slice a hellacious pile of onions, oh the tears) and when I had this book the first time, there were NO food processors. Even so, with the food processor, it takes a lot of time to cook down and brown those onions and you need REALLY good broth but the result is by far the best onion soup there is. Just writing about it makes me want to go slice onions this very minute.
I can't imagine being without these books, and the packaging is nice, as the originals were two different sized volumes and sit kind of funny on the shelf.
I suppose I should mention that even if you aren't going to make most of these dishes (who can find veal these days?) the book is excellent reading on culinary arts.

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (2 Volume Set) Overview

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43% Off Discounts: Best Buy for The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook: A Master Baker's 300 Favorite Recipes for Perfect-Every-Time Bread-From Every Kind of Machine (Non) Review

The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook: A Master Baker's 300 Favorite Recipes for Perfect-Every-Time Bread-From Every Kind of Machine (Non)

Are you looking to buy The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook: A Master Baker's 300 Favorite Recipes for Perfect-Every-Time Bread-From Every Kind of Machine (Non)? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook: A Master Baker's 300 Favorite Recipes for Perfect-Every-Time Bread-From Every Kind of Machine (Non). check out the link below:

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The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook: A Master Baker's 300 Favorite Recipes for Perfect-Every-Time Bread-From Every Kind of Machine (Non) Review

I bought this book last Christmas after receiving a machine for a gift. I made a few recipes from the owner's manual and experienced quite a few flops. I refused to be defeated and knew there must be a book out there that would help me make good bread (with the machine that I had begged for). THIS is the book!
I read all the reviews that precede 2002 and got the book right away. I love the way Hensperger explains ingredients, the science of bread and how the machine works. We use our machine at least 3-4 times a week. Some of my favorites from the book include the Hamburger and Hot Dog Buns (I will never buy storebought again!), the Garlic Foccacia, the Orange Bread with White Chocolate, Apricots and Walnuts, and for sandwiches my family loves the Instant Potato Bread and the Maple Buttermilk Bread, both of which turn out light and fluffly.
I remember reading a review that discussed the different ways to measure flour. For some reason, if I do it Hensperger's way, I always have to add more flour. So, I just scoop it without aerating the flour first.
Another review mentioned that you "have to" use SAF yeast. I haven't found this to be true. I have used the SAF, but have also used fast-acting and bread machine yeast. Both have turned out fine. All of the ingredients have been at a local supermarket (I live in a small town - 23,000, on the Central Coast of CA) except the specialty flours like barley, spelt, semolina, etc. Those I have found at a health-food store.
I can't say enough good things about this book! My copy is tattered and stained and I am enjoying working my way through all the recipes. It is a book I definitely can't live without

The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook: A Master Baker's 300 Favorite Recipes for Perfect-Every-Time Bread-From Every Kind of Machine (Non) Overview

Want to learn more information about The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook: A Master Baker's 300 Favorite Recipes for Perfect-Every-Time Bread-From Every Kind of Machine (Non)?

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43% Off Discounts: Purchase Cheap The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments Review

The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments

Are you looking to buy The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments. check out the link below:

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The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments Review

My kids bought me an ice cream maker attachment for my Kitchen Aide mixer for Mother's Day so I decided to buy a variety of recipe books, as I've never made ice cream before.
I bought this one, the Ben & Jerry book (also good), the idiots guide to homemade ice cream, and a few others that I picked up used.
Perfect scoop is our favorite! Everything we've made has been exceptional.
First off was the Chocolate Ice Cream which was my first attempt at a custard ice cream and the best we've ever had. Next we made the Rice Gelato (with Tangerine rind instead of Orange because that was all I had) which was very good also...sort of like a citrus scented frozen rice pudding.
Last weekend we made the Mango sorbet which was the best sorbet I've ever had, and it was so easy to make. Next up will the Banana Blueberry sorbet. It's a great book and if you're going to get an ice cream maker - buy this too! :-)

The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments Overview

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43% Off Discounts: Lowest Price Cook This, Not That Easy & Awesome 350-Calorie Meals Review

Cook This, Not That Easy and Awesome 350-Calorie Meals

Are you looking to buy Cook This, Not That Easy & Awesome 350-Calorie Meals? here is the right place to find the great deals. we can offer discounts of up to 90% on Cook This, Not That Easy & Awesome 350-Calorie Meals. check out the link below:

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Cook This, Not That Easy & Awesome 350-Calorie Meals Review

I bought this book at Walmart (paid a lot more for it there) and it was completely worth it. So far, I have tried a half dozen of the recipes, and ALL of them have been a huge success. One reviewer rights about how it is only restraunt selections..... false. At the bottom of each ORIGINAL recipe in here, they show what a restaurant alternative is, and how much money and calories you save by cooking at home. Also helpful in this book is new cooking tips and techniques. For example, as a southerner - I love fried foods. This book showed me how to "oven fry" foods to have that familiar taste and crispy outside without all the extra calories from submerging foods in hot grease. Other techniques in this book that have been helpful are how to braise meats and use the natural drippings to make your own sauces while cooking, increasing the natural flavor of dishes.
2 weeks in, 11 pounds down
5 Stars in my book!

Cook This, Not That Easy & Awesome 350-Calorie Meals Overview

Tired of always being too hungry (and tired!) to make smart food choices? Ever wonder why the less food you try to eat, the more fat you seem to gain? Ready to start enjoying all your favorite foods and never see an ounce of weight gain? Cook This, Not That! Easy & Awesome 350-Calorie Meals is the ultimate cookbook for people who love to eat—even if they don't love to cook. The authors of the best-selling diet and weight loss series Eat This, Not That! teach you how easy it is to turn the expensive and unhealthy foods in America's restaurants into fat-blasting superfoods that cost just pennies—and take just minutes to make!

Can you believe…

* At Olive Garden, an order of Chicken Parmigiana will cost you half a day's calories—and a day and a half's worth of sodium! Cook our Chicken Parm recipe at home and save 730 calories and $9.94!

* At T.G.I.Friday's, a Santa Fe Chopped Salad carries a whopping 1,800 calories—the equivalent of three Pepperoni Personal Pan Pizzas from Pizza Hut! (You call that a salad???) Try the Cook This, Not That! home version and save 1,460 calories!

* Hungry for a panini? At Panera Bread, the Italian Combo on Ciabatta comes loaded with more than 1,000 calories and a side of 45 grams of fat! (In less time than it takes to order their version, you can whip up ours and save 690 calories)

With this illustrated guide to hundreds of delicious, simple, lightning-quick recipes—along with the nutrition secrets that lead to fast and permanent weight loss—you'll make the smartest choices for you and your family every time.

Additional features in Cook This, Not That: Easy & Awesome 350 –Calorie Meals include:

A step-by-step illustrated guide to every cooking technique you'll ever need to know

The 50 Best Foods in the Supermarket

The Milk Shake Matrix

The Rules of the Grill

12 Ways to Better a Burger

The World's Best Condiments

And more!

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